41~ Different

673 31 9

Do I wanna go home? No. Do I have to? Apparently!

I thank you so fucking much, Zach. You know where I'm standing right now? Outside my front door. They just dropped me off with my duffel bag, and now I have to walk in and face my family.

They'll probably shoot me once I do.

I punched the code into the front door, and it beeped once it was unlocked. And I walked in.

Just how I left it...

Well, I wasn't gone for years. Only like two weeks? Three weeks? I don't even know.

The house was dark. It's like nine o'clock at night. Zach planned on leaving Indiana around six this morning. We left at like ten. The traffic was terrible, and we had to stop like every thirty minutes. It was awful, but I am glad to be out of that car.

"Dylan?" I called. I didn't wanna call either of my parents, just in case Dylan was here alone or something.

No one responded, not even a noise.

What the hell?

I walked through the living room and into the kitchen, where my family usually is.

Dark, just as the rest of the house. But something stood out to me.

I walked over to the fridge, where a large, white paper hung.

It was covered in words.

Dear Blair

You're the only person who would walk in and notice this. As well as you'll be the only person in the house, if you come back. You will, I'm sure of it. Mom and dad are worried sick, just as the rest of the family. Lynne won't speak, Landon keeps his hood on and isn't showing off his hair anymore, just all in all, everyone is depressed.

I'm scared, Blair. I just have the feeling that you're hurt and helpless 24/7, and there's nothing I can do to help you. But, obviously if you're reading this, you're okay. Just, that feeling is the worst because I don't know if it's a real feeling or not. I don't know if you're hurt or not. Man, I don't even know if you're alive! And that's the worst part, because I'm dreading the day that we get a call saying the your body was found. But, I need to stop! You're reading this.

Uncle Darren said it was safest if we didn't stay in the house. I don't know why, I don't understand why. But he said that when you come back, you won't want us here. Nobody knows that I wrote this, but when you see this, have the house to yourself. Watch a movie on the big screen. Do whatever. Then call us the next day, or, however much time you need to yourself, call after.


So where are they?

Whatever, I get the whole house to myself. Sounds like fun. I can do my laundry, watch the little amount of shows that I haven't seen yet. I love being home alone.


My phone began ringing, scaring me half to death. I'm watching 'Lights Out', the horror movie.

I paused the movie and checked the caller ID.

Jamie. It read Jamie.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey! How are things at your house?" He chirped.

Guess his family is happy to see him... he's in a good mood.

"Haven't seen them yet. Not here." I told him.

"Wh-they're not there?" He asked, a surprised tone in his voice.

"Nope," I started,

"My brother left a note. They aren't coming back until they know I'm back."

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