37~ Silence

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*Jamies POV* (still)

We sat in the waiting room. No one said a word. No one moved a muscle. Just wanted an update. We all wanted an update on Blair and Atticus.

That picture will never be gone from my mind, though. Blair with a hole in her stomach. Atticus with a blade in his.

Why, why, why. Why did this happen to these people? It could've been me. It should've been me. Stab me then shoot me! For all I care... kill me. Not them. Me. Not Blair. Me.

"Should we uh..." Charlie trailed off, still on the verge of tears,

"Call their families?"

"Bad idea." Lola, Courtney and Colton all said at the same time.

"But-," Charlie tried to argue, but Colton was quick and cut her off,

"No buts. We get them healed up, and we head out of Ohio."

She let out a small huff and sat back in her chair. Kade placed his hand on her shoulder for a moment, then taking it off. Just giving her a bit of comfort.

I could always tell that there was something between those two. Kade and Charlie. I never had the guts to mention anything to either one of them, and I never had the heart to say anything to Blair. It's almost as if she's completely oblivious to what's directly in front of her-in this case at least. She's one of the most focused, observant people I know. Probably the most focused and observant person.

She must know something.

"The family of Atticus is in here, right?" A woman walked into the specific waiting room we were in and asked.

We all nodded. The front desk had given us our own, private waiting room since there was so many of us.

She looked down at her clip board,

"He seems to be doing well, in fact. The doctors just brought him out of surgery and he should be awake soon."

"What about Blair?" Alexa asked quickly. Surprising us a bit. She normally doesn't talk much-or bring the attention to herself.

The nurse looked back down at her clipboard and read through a bit,

"I have not gotten an update yet. But I will go check in on her surgery."

We all nodded and she walked away.

Then it was back to silence.

Silence is sometimes the worst sound. Sometimes it can be the best. In this case, it's the worst.

It means that no one has gotten an update, and it meant a that everyone has time to think to themselves.

It means that there's infinite outcomes.


Quite some time had passed until the nurse from before came back in-getting our attention immediately,

"Atticus is awake and asking for you guys."

We all let out a small sigh of relief, that was until Zach spoke up,

"And Blair?"

"She just came out of surgery-alive. Lost a lot of blood, but should be just fine with the transfusion we gave her." She answered.

We all let out the biggest sigh of relief that we could.

Good job, Blair...

"Also, the police will be here to talk to you guys shortly." The nurse told us.

We all shot our heads towards her as our hearts stopped,

"What why?"

"It was a shooting and a stabbing. It's the law for us to call the cops." She answered.

We all glanced at each other as she walked out.

Oh man...

Within ten minutes, a police officer was led into the waiting room by another nurse.

"You kids the friends of Blair Cohen?" The officer asked, and the nurse walked out.

We all nodded.

He sat in the chair closest to the door,

"I'm sorry for what happened to her. Did anyone witness the shooting?"

Everyone shook their heads, no one was really awake at the time.

He jotted a few things down on his pad of paper,

"Did she have any enemies? Anyone that would intentionally want her hurt?"

We all kind of hesitated... yeah, the other gang.

"Uh-Yeah. A few people that she had gotten into trouble with at school." Colton spoke up.

"Do you know these kids' names?" He asked, jotting a few more things down.

"No. She really keeps to herself." Colton answered.

The officer nodded and continued writing,

"Are her parents here?"

We all hesitated before shaking our heads,


"Blair-by law-is no longer a minor. So she doesn't technically need her parents here, so it's up to you guys on what you think she would want. And the same for the boy who was also hurt." He explained.

Everyone nodded, then Zach spoke up,

"For the surgery's, do the parents need to sign off for anything?"

"Someone needs to pay and sign-yes. Does it have to be the parents? No." He told us,

"Thank you, guys for answering these questions for me."

We all nodded as if we were saying 'you're welcome'. He stood up, nodded at all of us, and then walked out.

"Should they be called?" Marla questioned.

"Jamie," Colton started,

"You know her best. What do we do?"

I didn't even have to think about it twice,

"Don't call them. Well use the money from her account to pay for the bill. One of us can sign papers."

"Are you sure?" Peter questioned me.

I nodded,

"Yeah. She doesn't want them here."

They all nodded, then Charlie spoke up,

"I know her bank account pin. We'll be fine."

We all slightly chuckled at that, she is such a nosey person.

"Can we go see Atticus?" Asher asked.

Everyone nodded, then Courtney spoke,

"Only a few people at a time. Let's not make it too closed in-in there."

Once again, we all nodded-agreeing.

Asher stood up first,

"Peter, Zach, you two wanna come?"

They nodded and stood up as well-then the three boys left the room.

We all went into silence. But it was much more comfortable silence than before.

Blair is safe... she is okay... she is alive... she is going to be alright...

Atticus is gonna be alright... everything is okay.


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