36~ Echo

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The sound of quiet noises from outside woke me up. And when I checked my phone about five minutes ago, it was three thirty in the morning.

I stayed put to see if the noises would stop. But they didn't.

Mentally groaning, I stood up-being careful not to wake Charlie who lie asleep next to me.

The window was closest to my side of the bed, so I crept over which only took a few steps. My baggy sweatpants fell down slightly.

Pulling them up and tying the strings so they wouldn't move, I looked out the window.

Nothing seemed off, or even bothered.

A thought went through my head. What if one of the boys had to go outside to do their business because the bathrooms inside were taken?

One of them probably locked themselves outside.

Rolling my eyes, I walked around the bed, over to the bedroom door.

These wooden doors were creaky, no matter how modern this cabin is-the wood of the doors seems to be quite old.

Slowly and carefully, I managed to pull the door open without any sounds, and close it. Then, I headed down the stairs.

I had reached the main floor, and immediately headed towards the kitchen where the patio doors were.

Glancing through the glass, I could immediately tell that Atticus was sitting out there in a lawn chair-it was right at the bottom of the stairs on the girls side of the deck. I could tell it was him from the bright yellow, blue and red thick-striped soccer sweater that he practically lives in.

What the hell was he doing?

I opened up the patio doors and called over to him,

"Atticus, what are you doing?"

No response. He didn't even flinch.

Oh man... that dumbass didn't fall asleep, did he?

I slipped through the gap, and made my way over to him,


Didn't flinch.

I walked over to him, and got down onto the last step so I could get a better look at him.

Once I looked at him, I froze.

His face is bruised, lip is cut, and these are all fresh. But that's not even the worst of it. I glanced down at his stomach. The handle of a  blade... was sticking right out of it.

"Oh my god..." I trailed off,


But I couldn't even begin to call anyone's names, because the ear-piercing echo of a gun shot travelled through the night sky.

It was only milliseconds later that I was thrust backwards at a strong force, picking me up off of my feet and landing on my back on the hard wood of the deck.

The burning-stinging pain of something in my stomach made me want to cry out, but I stayed silent... no noise came out.

My vision was fading away, but I tried to blink and keep them open and keep my vision in tact.

But, everything was too weak.

My eyes shut, my stomach stung, my head pounded.

Then, it was black. Pitch black.


*Jamies POV* (bit of a switch, but, why not?)

The echo of a gunshot woke me from my sleep.

Shit, they found us.

I turned my body and shook Colton.

"What the fuck do you want, Coleman?" He asked angrily.

He likes his sleep, I'm in for it if this is just my imagination,

"I swear I just heard a gunshot."

"Probably just your dream." He said, picking up his phone and checking the time,

"It's three forty in the morning, you're hallucinating."

"Colton, I swear." I said, all honesty.

He turned around and looked at me. Once glance at my facial expression and he was up onto his feet.

I followed his actions and we headed over to the twins' room. Colton knocked before walking in without an answer.

"Have you seen Atticus?" Asher immediately asked.

We both shook our heads, then Colton spoke up,

"Jamie says he heard a gunshot."

Asher glanced at me,

"It wasn't just me?"

"Guess not." I stated. Asher quickly stood up and went over to his window.

He glanced around for a minute,

"Someone is running."

He hopped over his bed and grabbed his gun from the drawer in his bedside table. Then rushed around us.

Me and Colton followed quickly behind him, then he called throughout the whole house,

"Guys! Wake the hell up!"

Almost immediately, the rest of the guys were in the hall-tired looking.

"Grab your guns." Asher stated. Everyone shared a glance before rushing back into their rooms.

Us younglings don't have guns. So Kade came over and stood with me and Colton just as the others came out and they all headed downstairs. We followed behind them.

"You three head back upstairs." Zach demanded.

"No." We all stated, following anyways. He knew that he couldn't do anything about it now.

They headed though the living room and over to our patio doors.

"Clear!" They all called after being a few minutes outside searching for anyone.

Asher put his gun into the waistband of his pants, and rushed closer to the girls cabin. We all followed.

"Atticus!" Asher called when he saw his twin brother in the chair.

Holy shit. There's a blade... in him.

But when I glanced behind Atticus and Asher. My heart stopped.

I rushed over to Blair, nobody really noticing me. But the first thing I noticed was the hole in her stomach. Somebody shot her.

"Guys call an ambulance." I said, my voice shaking,

"She's gonna bleed out! Call someone or something! Now!"

Colton and Kade rushed over to where I was currently located. They froze before Colton jumped to action,

"I'm calling right now."

Blair... don't you dare fucking die on me. Not now. You're not dying.

She didn't even move an inch. Her chest was barely even moving. Barely breathing.


I grabbed hold of her cold hand, and held onto it tightly. As if I was never letting go.

Don't die.


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