15~ Backchannel

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Maybe being the black sheep of the family isn't the worst thing? What Lynne said to me a few days ago is now becoming more and more clear to me. 'I'm worried that something bad is gonna happen.'

I started paying attention to the adults in our family a little more. And, sure enough, it does seem off. They're definitely being more cautious of what they say around us. But, why do they care what we think?

After all, they've been hiding so many secrets throughout our lives. Why keep more?

But, back to my first question. Maybe being the black sheep isn't the worst thing. Here's my reasoning. If something bad does happen, nobody will care or miss me.

"Blair!" Jamie's voice went in one ear and right out the other.

I very much appreciate you, Jamie, interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I snapped. Probably a bit to harshly, but he yelled too loudly.

"Did you hear a thing I just said?" He questioned.

I shook my head,


He groans out loud,

"Are you listening this time?"

I then nodded my head, wanting him to repeat what he just said. And he did,

"On the backchannel that was used as a contacting source between the Pythons and the Blue Bloods, there has been very recent conversation."

As he spoke, he brought up the backchannel-I'm guessing. And he continued on,

"So, now what I want you to do is backtrack to where these new messages have been sent from. I've already backtracked the older messages from twenty years ago to our families."

I nodded, understanding exactly what he wanted me to do.

"Wait, why would the Pythons and the Blue Bloods need to contact each other?" I wonder aloud as I took the laptop off of Jamie's lap and set it on mine.

He shrugged,

"It only looks like the two leaders contacted each other."

"Who did you backtrack the leaders as?" I ask, glancing at the computer screen for a brief moment.

"Your Uncle Darren and my Uncle Cooper." He replied.

"Woah, woah, my Uncle Darren was the leader of a gang?" I exclaimed, sucking in a breath of air.

"Guess so. They mainly talked about when and where fights would be held." Jamie stated.

I nodded, understanding what he was saying. But then I finally took a good look at the old messages, that they had sent,

"Jamie, how do you know that? These are in some type of code."

He pointed to the top left corner of the screen,

"I put in a translator. Just click the blue box and then the purple box."

I did that as he spoke,

"There's two purple boxes."

"The one closest to the bottom of the screen." He told me.

I clicked it, and all of the letters and words on the screen began rearranging,

"You could've just said 'the light purple box'."

He glared at me,

"They look the same."

"Wh-no they don't. The one closer to the bottom of the screen is clearly lighter." I argued.

Jamie put his hands up in defence while he widened his eyes,

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