29~ If

679 35 2

I had to keep running. I just had to.

They're at the lot...

They're at the lot...

If I need it, I can yell and scream, they'll hear me...

My black converse slapped against the cemented sidewalk. In the darkness of the night.

The rumble of the BMW from behind my was rising-getting louder-their speed was increasing.

That just means my speed has to increase, too.

I did just that and continued running-wait. If I run straight to the lot-they'll know where it is.

Wait... they already know about the lot.

No hesitations! Just keep going.

My legs picked up even more speed as a strong gust of wind blew in the exact direction that I was running.

Well, thanks.

The lot opening came into view and I continued running. Sprinting to my limit. If I was going any faster, than I would be falling over.

There was still blood dripping from my nose. And my lip was probably swollen. But trust me, they're worse off. Why do you think they're chasing me?

I reached the opening of the lot and I stormed in.

My eyes immediately landed on Jamie as I stopped my legs. A little too quickly-because then I collapsed onto the ground.

May as well stay down here. I rolled onto my back and put my arms behind my head.

"Blair, you okay?" A worried male voice asked as many pairs of footsteps approached me.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Here." Jamie said, kneeling and handing me a Kleenex.

I thanked him and held it to my nostrils.

The other four had made it to where I was, and then sat down next to me.

"What happened?" Colton asked me.

"The bastards were on the wrong side of town-lookin' for a fight." I replied.

"So you fought with them?" Colton questioned.

"A little scrap but that's all. Once I realized that there was more of them in the car-I beat it out of there." I answered.

"Good, but why were you-," he tried to ask me another question, but I cut him off,

"Don't even start with me, Colton. We shouldn't be fighting our parents' battles."

They all looked a little stunned at my outburst, then Jamie was the first to speak,

"What do you mean?"

"If our parents really wanted to keep us safe, they would've ended all of the gang shit. Now it's roaming around town again, and it's left up to us to fix it." I explained.

Realization hit them hard, I just could see it in their eyes, then Kade spoke,

"What are we supposed to do about it?"

Everyone shrugged.

"Kill them." I suggested.

"No!" Charlie and Alexa exclaimed. Kade, Colton and Jamie all let out a chuckle.

"Blair," Alexa started,

"Would you really kill someone?"

"If I had a reason to. You don't shoot at the unarmed." I answered.

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