27~ Reality

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"Why can't we just schedule a fight? It would settle all of this." Alexa exclaimed as she watched both me and Charlie clean the fresh cuts on Jamie and Kades' faces.

I was cleaning Jamie's. Apparently they had run into some trouble,

"It wouldn't be the best idea. Besides, the other guys are probably worse off than these two."

"Did you just complement our fighting skills, Miss. Cohen?" Kade questioned me with a smirk.

I chuckled,

"No I did not, Mr. Kourtney."

"I think you did." He argued.

I rolled my eyes, which made Jamie-sitting in front of me-stifle a laugh.

The corners of my mouth turned upwards into a small smile as I shot a glare his way.

Colton began speaking,

"What were you two dimwits doing, anyways?"

The two injured boys glanced at each other before Kade spoke,


"That was very unconvincing, Kade." Colton stated.

Jamie sighed,

"We were on the wrong side of town. That's what."

"Jamie!" Kade exclaimed under his breath.

"What? We need to tell them the truth!" Jamie replied in the same tone and volume.

They glared at each other momentarily, then Colton began speaking again,

"We made those boundaries for a reason-,"

"What about the high school?" Charlie interrupted.

Colton looked slightly angry for a brief moment, then confusion hit him,

"What about the high school?"

"Don't some members of the other gang go to our school?" She asked, still cleaning Kades face.

"Good point." Alexa said.

"Yes, but that's why the high school is between the two sides." Colton answered.

"Oh." Charlie said, not having another response.

It went silent for a few minutes, but then I wiped the disinfectant wipe across a cut above Jamie's eyebrow. He hissed out in pain,

"Ouch! Warn me before you do shit like that!"

"Hey, calm down. She's just trying to keep your pretty little face from getting an infection." Kade told him.

"Well, it hurts like shit." Jamie stated.

"Do you want me to get you a Princess bandaid?" I asked him.

He glanced at me,

"Wh-no. Why would I want a Prin-,"

"Then man up a little." I interrupted.

Kade and Charlie began laughing hysterically, while Colton and Alexa chuckled. I didn't even crack a smile, but Jamie had a small smile planted on his face while shaking his head.

I continued cleaning his face. By the looks of it, he got it worse than Kade.

Is Kade a better fighter? Or did Jamie get the tougher assailant?


I moved the wipe down the side of his face, and I was about to go over a deep cut but there was something about it that made me shiver. Not in fear, almost the feeling of my body temperature going down.

It's the same as the cut that I had after I was hit. Well, not the same cut-the shape and bruising around it is similar, extremely similar.

"Blair, you good?" Kade asks me, obviously seeing my expression.

Everyone looked at me as I responded,


I shook it off and went back to cleaning.

Nobody really asked anymore questions after that.

I had finished cleaning up Jamie's face, Charlie also finished cleaning Kades. Now, we were all sitting in the lot listening to Kade ramble about how good they fought,

"And it was just like pow! Y'know? I kicked his ass, and then I saw Jamie struggling a little bit so I was all like boom and-,"

"Hold up, Jamie was struggling?" Colton interrupted.

"Uh-Yeah." Kade stated.

I frowned in confusion and glanced at Jamie as Alexa spoke,

"You're always up for a fight? Why this time?"

"Don't worry 'bout it." He told us, not making eye contact with anyone.

Nope, something is up... one hundred percent.

"Okay, I'm glad that you two didn't walk alone. But now, it's final. Walk in groups of three-at least." Colton demanded.

"Wh-that's bullshit!" Charlie exclaimed, standing up,

"My family is already suspicious about me sneakin' around! I can't leave the house with more than one family member, now."

"Hey, just calm down-," Colton started, but Charlie interrupted,

"No! I'm sick and tired of all of this gang stuff! Why can't we just fight it all out?"

"It's dangerous." Kade stated.

"Dangerous my ass! It would've been..." Charlie continued on-but I completely blocked her out.

Why can't we just not argue? Not fight? Arguing and getting violent solves nothing.

Maybe we really should just beat it out of Michigan. I can just imagine us three girls laying on the white sand of California, while the boys play volleyball in the water...

I can just see it. I can see it so vividly. Almost as if it's reality...

"Quit being a ball hog and play!" Colton yelled at Kade who-indeed was not giving up the ball.

"Fine, but you gotta come get it." He stated with a smirk.

The two boys began chasing the third around the beach. Being goofy.

"They're so childish." Charlie said while laughing.

Alexa chuckled and shook her head,

"Why can't Kade just not hog the ball, then?"

I shrugged,

"How 'bout we go play a little three on three?"

We all smirked before hopping onto our feet and rushing towards the net-where the three boys were now wrestling on the ground.

"Three on three!" Charlie shouted, grabbing the ball from them.

We all got onto our sides and teams. I glanced at my two teammates, Jamie and Kade. Once we smirked at each other, Colton-on the other side-served the ball.

It went directly to Kade who bumped it over, which went straight to Alexa who bumped it back, and it came right to me, and I bumped it over. It went directly to Charlie, who volleyed it over. It was coming fast, so I ran forward and jumped up, I forcefully hit it with my right hand-resulting in a prefect spike that no one was able to return. My team of three cheered as two arms wrapped around my waist and spun me around-

"Blair?" A voice brought me back to the sad, sad reality.

"Hm?" I hummed in response, glancing at the five faces around me.

"Did you hear anything we just said?" Colton asked.

I shook my head, and they all groaned.


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