23- Luck

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Today is the last day before Christmas break. And, I'm actually quite worried about Christmas.

You may ask 'why'. Well, I'm worried-no-I'm skeptical about my family of four getting together on Christmas morning to open gifts. Mainly because of my mother, she might make some type of comment about me being a terrible child and not being allowed. Or maybe that I'm not wanted because I'm the dumb one. Who knows! My mother is full of shit... I mean, surprises.

When she gave birth to me, I don't think either her or my dad expected me to turn out this big of an asshole. Probably expected me to be the smart child too, helping the younger one out. Or, maybe they never planned on having a second and they just expected me to be the 'Golden Child'.

Oh man... I am a disappointment.

"Blair," Jamie started,

"Did you hear a thing we just said?"

I came back to reality and saw the five others sitting around me, as both me and Charlie leaned against the back wall of the school. Us-sitting side by side.

"Not really." I admitted.

Everyone let out a small groan of frustration.

"We were talking about how we should get together tonight and draw names for a Secret Santa. Then, on Christmas Eve, we sneak out to the lot and give the gifts to our people." Alexa explained.

"What time tonight?" I asked.

"How 'bout two?" Colton suggested.

Everyone shrugged then nodded in agreement, but then I remembered something,

"Wait, I can't. I've got plans."

"What? Plans at two o'clock in the morning?" Charlie exclaimed.

"No, I'm going shopping with my cousin and then staying at her house for the night." I explained.

"Whatcha shoppin' for?" Alexa asked me.

I chuckled,

"Semi dress and possibly shoes."

"You're going to semi?" Jamie asked, clearly confused.

I nodded,


"And you're buying a dress today?" Charlie questioned.

I shook my head,

"No, I'm going to get an idea. I'm getting my dress in January."

"Oh." Many people said, dragging on the 'o' in 'oh'.

"Blair Cohen is going to semi? The bad girl?" Colton asked in disbelief.

"Wh-hey! Is it that weird that I'm going?" I exclaimed.

Everyone-well, of course, except for Kade-nodded their heads.

I huffed,

"Am I really labelled the 'bad girl'?"

"Yeah." Colton answered.

I sighed and slightly nodded, it may just be true...

"Oh! Wait! Who's the poor guy that you're going with?" Charlie asked me quickly, sounding like the train of realization just hit her.

I was going to answer, then Kade cut me off,

"Me. I asked her-and I ain't some poor guy. Pretty lucky if you ask me. "

Everyone glanced at him.

But it still is on my mind. Why are they so surprised that I'm going to semi? Why are they surprised that I'm going to look at dresses tonight? Why, why, why?

"Awh, you two would look so cute!" Alexa and Charlie exclaimed in unison.

I slightly chuckled to stop myself from blushing, and it seems as if Kade was doing the same.

"Anyways," Jamie cuts in,

"What about Secret Santa?"

We all kind of shrugged until I spoke up,

"I'll try to sneak out, anyways."

"Alright, it's settled. I'll bring the hat with the names." Kade stated.

We all nodded, and continued to eat the food that we had with us.

Normally, I'll bring lunch money. But I always stuff a few snacks in my bag in case I get hungry, or I don't feel like going into the crowded cafeteria.

I hate crowded places, they get on my nerves. And only very few people know that because I'm pretty good at hiding that stuff.

Then, I breathed in through my nose as I reached down to grab another cracker. But, a stench roamed through the cold, December air.

"Listen, I don't care who farted. But y'all need help because that was nasty." Charlie stated, putting her hoodie over her nose.

There wasn't snow on the back walkway behind the school-which we were sitting on right now. It actually hadn't snowed much this winter. Well... so far. We always get the most snow on Christmas Eve. It wasn't too cold today, either.

I reached around my head and grabbed the hood of my hoodie, putting it over my nose-as well. It's nasty.

"I know that smell, it was you!" Colton exclaimed, pointing at Kade.

He then broke down into a hysterical fit of laughter.

"Oh, man! Kade! Why do you have to go and do that?" Alexa complained.

He continued his laughter while I glanced over at Jamie. He looked as if he was amused by what was going on, but he looked like something was bothering him.

Guess I'll ask later, when we're meeting at the lot.


"Pull a name, any name." Kade stated, holding his baseball cap in front of me.

We all played 'Ultimate Rock, Paper, Scissors' to see who would pick first. I won my three games. So I picked first.

I reached my cold hand into his hat, and tightened my grip on the first paper that touched my thumb.

My hand pulled it upwards and unfolded it as it came closer to my eyes,

"I got myself."

Everyone laughed, until Kade spoke again,

"Only you have the chances of that, Cohen."

I put my name back and picked again, this time, I knew it wasn't mine-so I brought my hand closer to my fave so I could read the name.


Of course. What are the chances of that? I wanted Charlie's name, or Alexa's name because I know the most about them. And, besides, they're both girls. It's just easier for a girl to shop for a girl.

But even if I had gotten Jamie's name, I know him pretty well, too. So it would've been easier.

With my damn ass luck, I went and picked the one person that I don't know super well. Don't get me wrong, he is one of my best friends. Just, the harder one to shop for.


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