Welcome to Yokosuka

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This is my first day... My first day for everything... I have just left the kansumu factory in Kure to immediately go to Yokosuka base. I received some papers and a pair of metal boots. I don't know how, but those boots actually make me move above the water... I don't make any idea of how I not tripped and dropped all the papers in the water yet. Eventually, it will happen... 

My name? Well... You see... I don't know my name yet, but I gonna discover as I approach Yokosuka. I hope at least. 

In the ocean, there was a gentle breeze that refreshes me from the heat of the sun. The sky was almost clean with very few fluffy white clouds and the bright yellow sun. Then green... A green thing appeared on the horizon... It was the trees of Yokosuka, isn't it? 

I reach the concrete port and when I finally jumped in the grounds of Yokosuka, I tripped... I knew it that would happen sooner or later... And the concrete was heated by the sun the entire day! 

"Argh!" I screamed when my hands touched the ground. Well... No one heard me... No one was there in the port. I stood up and looked at my hands. They were all red and hot. Luckily the papers didn't fell into the water. I catch them on the ground... Now, what should I do? Oh, right. Go to the admiral office, how the people in the factory said to me to do... But... Where is it? I looked around for someone, besides that, I prefer not to talk with anyone. I am a little timid, don't judge me!

I didn't find anyone around the port, so I decided to stay at the edge of the port... Reading the papers in my hands. "Armored aircraft carrier, 2nd in Taiho class: Kyoto. Assigned base: Yokosuka. Built-in Kure Naval Arsenal". There is a photo of someone with black long hair in a ponytail... Oh, wait. That's me! I keep reading the papers, discovering more about myself and who knows to find any type of map of Yokosuka. I stayed, like, one entire hour reading the papers at the port.

"Are you lost?" Someone suddenly asked me, scaring me and making me jump to the water. What? Won't you got scared if someone suddenly asks you a question? Wait... The papers... Oh no... They are all wet... Well... I just need to be cautious to not tear them apart. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you" I look to her face, she has short black hair and red eyes (like rubies). "Here, let me help you" she extended me her hand. I grab her hand, still holding the papers, and she lifted me back to the concrete. The papers are all with me, but wet... We stared at ourselves quietly. She is using a blue dress with a sailor hat that matches the dress.

"So... Are you lost?" She asked me after some seconds of silence.

"N-No... I-I... Just don't know where is the admiral office". I reply to her, dodging my eyes to the ground. 

"No need to be timid about it, if you are lost I can take you to the admiral office". I said that I am NOT lost... But I accept the offer anyway, nodding to her. 

"Right, follow me then. You can let these metal boot in the port and switch to your normal shoes". True, I have some shoes in the bag that I also received at the factory... Wait, I didn't say about the bag earlier? Anyway, I switch the shoes and let the metal boots there. 

I followed her to a big white building. The building is huge, I felt small in front of it... Until I saw a group of... Well... Kids, I guess. That made me felt tall... I suppose they are not kids because this is a military base. Why kids would be... 

 "They are indeed kids, just so you know". That woman said. Wait, what?! Kids in a military base?! What kind of monster the military force are to bring kids to a war?! "You know they are kansumus, right? Kansumus were made to fight". Oh... I think that explains a little... "Anyway, it's here the admiral office". 

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