Before the Disaster

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Three days passed... No attack, but we knew the enemy fleet was coming. Well, I wasn't expecting an attack anytime soon, so I decided to sleep a little more today...

"Kyoto? Akagi? Can you come with me?" A kansumu with blonde hair, gray eyes and white clothes with red and black details woke me up. She is Graf Zeppelin, one of the carriers I met in these three days here in Suez Canal Base. She is a little serious.

"What's it?" Akagi asked Graf. Akagi was already awake, changing clothes...

"Aquila just returned from her recon mission... Our enemies are close, the battle is probably starting today!". The day I decided to sleep more is the day they are going to attack... Thanks, bad luck...

"Well, I'm going to change my clothes first". I said, getting up from my bed.

"Take your time, we will be waiting at the HQ". Graf said and left. After she left I asked Akagi:

"They are finally coming... Do you think they are going to defeat this base?"

"With all the carriers helping us I doubt it". Akagi replied to me. This gave me confidence but...

"But my bad luck? Maybe it affects all the others?"

"Well, Kyoto, I will wait for you outside". She said and left the room.

I went to the bag I brought with me and pick up my clothes. After I changed my clothes I left the bedroom. Akagi was waiting outside like she said. For a moment I thought that she meant: "I will wait in the HQ" when she said: "I will wait outside". Looks like I was wrong. She looked distracted when I left the room, she didn't realized I already left.

"Akagi, let's go?" I said, getting her attention.

"Hmm?" She looked at me, realizing that I already left the bedroom. "Oh, sure". She held my hand and walked pushing me... I froze and NO, I'm NOT blushing! "Is there any problem?" Akagi asked me when realized that I wasn't moving.

"N-No!" I said and started to walk. Her hand is warm... I mean, it's human (kansumu) heat, of course her hand is warm!

We walked until we reached the HQ, a huge white building. We entered in there and a woman with a white dress, blonde hair and blue eyes were sitting in something that looks like a throne with main guns was there as a receptionist and saw us entering... we entered holding hands... this is embarrassing...

"The other carriers are in that room". She pointed her scepter (that looks like a mast) to a wood door at our left... "And you two look really cute together, mainly with Kyoto blushing so hard". I'm not blushing, she is lying!

"Thanks, Warspite". Akagi said with a little smile. "Kyoto is so lovely...". Ok... Maybe I'm blushing now... MAYBE.

We moved ourselves to the door Warspite indicated. We knocked in it. Quickly the serious voice of Graf answered:

"It's unlocked, you can enter". I opened the door and we both entered the dark room... Just like the dark room Nagato called me in Yokosuka.

"Alright, everyone is here, we can discuss our strategy now". A kansumu with pink hair and white clothes said. She has blue eyes and is from the United Kingdom, her name is Ark Royal.

"Right, Aquila, say what you found while in the recon mission". Graf ordered to a kansumu with orange hair and yellow eyes. This kansumu was Aquila, a carrier from Italia.

"I found three enemy fleets. The first one was a combined fleet of six carriers, five battleships and one heavy cruiser. This must be their main attack group. The second fleet was composed of one heavy cruiser, four light cruisers and one destroyer. The third was composed of two light carriers, two heavy cruisers, one light cruiser and one destroyer".

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