Battle Of Port Moresby

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"12th Torpedo Squadron: Hatsuyuki, Ooi, Kitakami, Satsuki, Shimakaze and flagship Shirayuki. Mission: Clear the path to the Special Aircraft Carrier Force to attack Port Moresby.

Special Aircraft Carrier Force: Agano, Noshiro, Yahagi and Sakawa as escort and Katsuragi, Kyoto, Amagi and flagship Unryu as the main force of the fleet. Mission: Attack and destroy the Harbor Princess present in the Port Moresby, expected strong resistance". I was reading these papers that Unryu have given to everyone in our fleet... Besides how much I don't like my own fleet, I know that I have work to do. I need to attend the expectations of the admiral, he must be expecting much from me to put me in a major operation. But I was afraid of failure... My hands were trembling from nervous and fear... "If I fail, I will destroy the expectations of everyone" I thought... Then suddenly a hand touched my shoulder, scaring me.

"YA!" I screamed as a reaction at the same time that I jumped scared.

"Oh... You are really nervous, aren't you Kyoto?" Zuikaku asked me.

"Y-Yeah... This is my first operation and is a major operation... I am nervous..." I answered her.

"Don't you worry, you received my new Reppu Prototype!" Yubari said happily.

"Prototype? Isn't it dangerous?"

"Nah, is fine really. Or are you doubting my crafting skills?" She said a little angry.

"N-No! Of course not... A-Anyway, I think it's time to deploy" I said looking the other of my fleet entering the deploy building.

"Yeah, I need to go too, I am going to Hawaii. See you guys later!" Zuikaku said

"Good luck you two, I will just... wait here..." She seems lonely again... Looks like I didn't help that much by becoming friends of her.

"Bye Yubari... I will come back alive" I hope... I really hope it.

I entered the deploy building, in the part my fleet was. My fleet didn't look like themselves, they were serious... it's strange to see that after the first impression they gave me. Guess duties comes first.

Unryu looked at me, I nodded signalizing that I was ready. She looked at her sisters and they nodded too. The escort is considered a separated fleet, so they aren't here. Unryu looked at the big metal door in the deploy area and shout:

"Special aircraft carrier force, deploy!"

We jumped at a ramp, sliding to the water. While sliding a machine put something in my back. It was my flight deck together with the bridge and the anti-air belt. Suddenly my crossbow fell from the roof... I think... probably a machine dropped... and fell in my hands (but I almost didn't grab). At the end of the ramp, my metal boot was there. I jumped to my feet enter perfectly in the boots... and the entered... But I tripped... Katsuragi extended her hand and helped me to stand up. Then we left the building where the other fleet was waiting.

We stayed at the front of the deploy building for some minutes until a type of alarm sounded.

"Operation A-01, begin!" Akagi, a carrier from the aircraft carrier force shout to all the fleets deployed. We separated, The 11th torpedo squadron, the escort of the aircraft carrier force and the aircraft carrier force started to head towards the east and the 12th torpedo squadron, my fleet and it's escort start to head south, to Port Moresby.

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