There is a Library

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I look around soon as I wake up to see if I have fell from my bed. I fell from my bed, but my back is not hurting and the floor isn't uncomfortable, for more strange that it seems. The floor actually was moving?! How is that possible. I hear the voice of someone, it seems like Shokaku, but her mouth appears to be blocked or something like that... Wait... I look where I am. And...

"Oh, sorry Shokaku!" I get out off of her, who seems to have a really bad day already... Maybe I am indeed more lucky than her.

"No problem..." She says, putting a hand in her back like it was hurting a lot. And probably is hurting a lot. 

She switched clothes and was already leaving, while I... I was deciding to sleep again. It's morning already, I shouldn't do that, but today there is nothing really interesting to do. Zuikaku just left at the middle of the night to a patrol mission. She wouldn't come back early, she would be here close to the end of the afternoon. I lay down on my bed, hoping to sleep again... But then I remember that I need to have breakfast... Thanks to rumble, stomach.

Once I switched clothes and get to the canteen, I remembered that Yubari is also my friend, so maybe I can do something with her. Yubari was there, waiting for me and Zuikaku. She looked at me surprised. When I sat at her side she asked:

"Where is Zuikaku?"

"Oh, true, you don't know... She left in the middle of the night for a patrol mission... She is probably back by the end of the afternoon". I replied to Yubari.

"Oh... Anyway, today I can't do nothing, I am going to work the entire day at the repair shop, as Akashi will be occupied repairing Yamato from her last mission". I am indeed more unlucky than Shokaku... Now I will die from boredom.

"Oh... That's sad... I think I got nothing to do then..." I said to her. She looked worried about me.

"Maybe... you can go to the library". She suggested.

"There is a library here?!" I don't remember seeing it on my map.

"Yeah, but almost no one goes there, so... it may look a little old the books and the building".

"Thanks anyway, at least I think I won't die from boredom now".

"You're welcome" she looked at the clock at the wall. "Uh! I need to get to the repair shop now, see you later!" She said going pretty fast away... Without even letting me reply. She is really busy today...

After I finished eating, I went to this library. It took me time to find it because it wasn't on my map. The building inside was full with dust, spider webs and of course spiders. I search for books that catch my attention. "The World War II", not really the type of book that I want to read it. "Blade of the truth", seems like an interesting book, and the samurai draw at the cover was so well put there. Also, it seems this place is disorganized, I jumped from "T" to "B". "The abyssal origins" wasn't my type of book, but I was curious about why we are fighting against them and how they appeared, so I catch the book. "How to deal with every kansumu in Yokosuka" was another book that got my attention. It got my attention just because I don't know much from the other kansumus. The book was on the highest shelf. I tried to jump to catch the book and I got it... but accidentally the shelf fall... and hits the other... and the one behind... until hits the last one... this place is messier than when I got here... I solve this later.

I slowly leave the library, trying not being caught with that mess. With the books, I headed to my bedroom, laid down on my bed and started to read "The Abyssal Origins"...

"Nothing is known about these creatures with white skin... According to the analysis they emerged from the bottom of the ocean... but we don't know how, why and when they emerged. Their intentions are to conquer the seas apparently. They only attacked harbors in all the countries in the world, not entering deep in the territories. They only forced us to stop our naval travels and air travels that pass in the ocean. The unknown is their motive to do so. There is also..."

I close the book... It was getting really boring... and I didn't read the first page! You know what? I will just read the other book that seems a lot more interesting now. I got the second book and started to read it.

"This is a book explaining how to deal with all kansumu of the base of Yokosuka when they are angry at you. I hope you can read it (because this is going to be funny).

Nagato is a serious battleship, if she gets angry at you is related to your job or effectiveness in battle. But if you don't want to hear what she has to say, there is a really easy way to get out of this situation. Say that you saw a squirrel a few seconds ago. She will appear to be serious, but she will leave the area pretending she is not interested in what you just have said. After she leaves the area she will immediately search for the squirrel that you mentioned.

Mutsu doesn't get angry easily, I think (only if her third main battery is acting strange, if this happens she gets angry at her own weapon). If you found a way to get her mad and need an urgent escape, mention that Nagato was searching for her. She will immediately forget why she was angry and search for Nagato immediately. Aw... So much love...

Ise is a battleship that likes to laugh about her accomplishes. Praise her and she maybe forgets what you have done. Say things like "Oh look how much equipment you can carry" or "I heard you hit them first and also destroyed enemies alone". She may blush to hear the compliments.

Hyuuga is... way to serious... She is almost like a soldier. If you angry her you are probably very screwed and you must be bad luck to make her mad". Why I don't doubt about her getting angry at me? "The only way to escape from her wrath is to run... Sorry, just kidding. You must remember her that she is in a navy so she will be less angry, trying to act like a soldier and you will escape.

Yukikaze... Now is serious, if you get Yukikaze anger you must be the most irritating person that I ever heard about. I don't know what you should do, I never saw her angry. I think you should run, but just remember that she is a destroyer... So she will probably get you if you are not another destroyer" What a good hint for an aircraft carrier... I should have got another book.

"Akagi is determined and one of the best in the navy. If she gets angry at you, you must have done something wrong and persisted in doing the same mistake. The best way to calm Akagi is by offering her food. Any type of food, if it's food is already helping her to calm down.

Kaga is quiet and serious... Nothing really much to talk about it. She usually gets angry with Zuikaku, fighting her like rivals or something worse. If she gets angry at you... You can mention Akagi, that it's like her best friend, or Zuikaku, so all her anger will be redirected to Zuikaku instead of you.

Souryuu is one of the fluffy dragons along Hiryu and Unryu. She is a good carrier, if she gets angry it must be something really serious. Besides that she doesn't like to eat food as Akagi does, you can offer food to her.

Hiryu is someone that is very cheerful, you shouldn't make she angers, you should be enjoying her company, so... I won't write anything about escaping her wrath! You must pay for what you did to her!" So... I heard about an admiral that married with Hiryuu... The admiral that wrote this book must be the husband of Hiryuu.

"Shimakaze getting angry? Say that her speed is not worth comparison, that she is the fastest ship in the navy, that she is the most powerful. That should make her go away or forget why she was angry at you". 

I close the book. I think it's enough reading for a day. I lay down at my bed with the book at my side and tried to get a nap... I look to the window and... I just skipped lunch and dinner?! The sun is setting? How the time passed so fast?! That's impossible... I read only two pages... How could be so late now? Well... At least I am not hungry... I will just sleep until tomorrow... I go to one side of the bed trying to sleep and... Oh, I just passed over the book that was at my side... And I just screwed up the pages... No one read the books of the library, right? So there is no problem scrapping up the papers... I hope there is no problem... I am so unlucky...

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