For the Best

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Another day was starting... The sky was clean, no clouds to be found, only the blue color with the rising sun... The landscape was so beautiful...

"Maybe what happened yesterday was just a dream..."

I thought to myself, hoping my thought was true. It was still very early, no one was awake yet. I stood up from my bed and climb the ladder to the bed above me... I look to Zuikaku, who was deeply asleep at the upper bed.

"I hope you can be my first girlfriend..."

Look to her made me thoughtful... How would be a future where I and she are together? I got so concentrated that I opened my arms to dive in my imagination... In other words, I opened my hands and I fell from the ladder.

"OUCH!" I must have broken my neck now... I heard a huge "crack" noise when I hit the floor. I was now laying down in the floor with my legs still in the ladder, pointing to the ceiling... I stand up, look around and put my hands were is aching. Really seems like I broke my neck, but I can move my head, so I guess no. At least I didn't woke up Zuikaku or Shokaku with that crack noise.

I start to change my clothes and... I slept with my casual clothes again... I should receive a medal for the most unlucky kansumu in this world. After change from the kneaded clothes, I comb my hair, finally getting ready to leave. Now I am going to have breakfast (I'm starving here!), but someone knocked at the door before I could leave. I open the door which I was going to use right now.

"Oh... It's you..." I said as I realize that Akagi was the one waiting behind the door, she is really happy to see me... Or at least seems like she is happy. Looks like yesterday wasn't a dream after all...

"Hello Kyoto. I cooked some food for you!" She gives me a smile and... a present?

"*COFF* *COFF*" Someone coughed after Akagi said that. "Akagi offering food?!" I look to the owner of the voice and Shokaku was there, really surprised. Wait... did she really woke up with what Akagi just said, but didn't wake up with the crack noise? Strange... "Who are you and what you did with Akagi?!" Shokaku questioned.

"Oh, Kyoto didn't tell you yet?" This is when bad things are going to start... I can see the chaos happening already.

"About what?" Shokaku asked, now she was really curious and looking constantly to me and Akagi.

"I tell or you tell her?" Akagi asked me with a little sincere smile. At least seems like a sincere smile.

"You know how to pretend so well... All I need to do is the same as you, then Zuikaku won't be hurt".

"Let me tell her" I said looking to Akagi, then I look to Shokaku. "I and Akagi are dating now!" I said, pretending a smile to Shokaku.

"*COFF* *COFF*" I heard another person cough... Zuikaku probably woke up now. "You are dating Akagi?! Why didn't you told me before?! Congratulations!" She said with a smile. Now I know that Zuikaku doesn't like me in that way... She said congratulations and is smiling and doesn't seem like a fake smile.

"Anyway, I made this especially for you Kyoto!" Akagi said, turning to me and looking to the present. I torn apart the wrappings. It's a lunchbox, with...

"Sashimi?!" I almost shouted... What? I really like it!

"Ha! I discovered what type of food you like! Well, let's launch at the canteen tables together now!". Akagi was so excited that was already pulling me with her.

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