Discovering Myself

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I slowly open my eyes, revealing the remodel room... I am laying on a bed, looking directly to the lamp in the ceiling of the room. Them a light hits my right eye. I look for the source of the light and the sun is there, appearing from behind a cloud. Then my eyes started to burn... I covered my eyes with my arm and close them. I try to stand up from the bed, but my eyes were closed... I fell in the ground. All my weight fell over my right arm... At least it didn't broke...

"Note to myself, don't look directly to the sun"

I stand upon the ground, slowly opening my eyes after the burn went away. The room was empty, there were only a few clothes in a desk in the room. The clothes were my size, but they weren't my clothes... I use Miko uniforms, not this... Well... This isn't bad either, seems modern... Seems like the clothes the people walking in the streets of Tokyo are using. A really simple dress with a coat and boots. I don't see any problem here. I dressed with them. Yeah, not all that bad!

I peek through the door, no one was there in the corridor. In one side the exit, the other side the door with the sign with an "A". My curious pushed me towards that door... I clean the sign from the dust and the letters were revealed... No, the NUMBERS were revealed. A-150... What is A-150? There is a whole room to take care of those A-150... It must be something really important.

"Kyoto?! Get out of this room. It's out of borders for you!" General Kazegawa almost screamed saying that from the exit. Embarrassed for committing the same error a second time, I leave the room the fast as I can. And trip on the exit, when I passed by the general. I know in what I tripped, I tripped in someone legs...

I walk across the base... I don't know what should I do. I already remodeled. Maybe I should check my new equipment, but where is it?

"Kyoto! Come here!" The sensei called me, she was at the training camp, I am close to it. I approach her. Once there she showed me a bright and sincere smile. "I have your equipment, want to train?" Well... The timing was just perfect sensei.

"Yes sensei". She gave my equipment in my hands. Well, my crossbow wasn't as good as my new aircraft launcher. This looks like a machine gun, with a place to put the magazines. At my left arm was my long flight deck... It looks like the flight deck has two runways. Also, the bridge still attached to my back. This is my AA belt? They look like mini rotary machine guns, not AA guns. Also, there is this box at my right arm... It looks like missile launchers. 

"Now this is strange..." Sensei said, looking to my equipment. "I already saw a machine gun as a plane launcher... But I never saw this AA belt and those missile launchers... You are going to discover how they work by yourself. Well, put one of your magazines at the machine gun and shoot". I aimed to the sky and pressed the trigger, a little orange thing left the gun in an unmatched speed and became Jet Keiun planes. "These planes were developed specifically for bombardment... Wait... They are jet planes... but you are... How this is possible?!" I picked my second magazine and put on the machine gun. Kikka planes came this time. "Those are better fighting against other planes, they are fighters". I catch my last but not less important magazine. Strange jet planes came out. They look far more modern than the other jet fighters. "I never saw these planes before. Wait here I will call the general" She left and I start to test those new planes. They were a lot more effective.

"Let me see your planes Kyoto... Wait, I never saw a kansumu launch this type of jet fighters before!" Kazegawa looked not believing what he was seeing. "Those are F-35 fighters, only used by normal aircraft carrier ships, not kansumus!" 

"Well, I came with these planes..." I explained to the general, he still didn't believe in me, it's written in his face.

"Well, you have a bunch of equipment that I never saw before... I think you gonna have to go back to Yokosuka and discover how they work by yourself..."

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