Wrong Choices

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I hear the birds singing... I never imagined the sing of the birds could be so good here in Suez Canal... They are like the birds of Yokosuka. I slowly open my eyes to reveal my bedroom. Looks like one more day is starting... I get up from my bed and go to the drawer...

"I have the impression that I'm forgetting something..."

I change my clothes... I am using my casual clothes... Again... I guard my kneaded clothes and picked up other casual clothes. I look around... I must be forgetting something... I go to the door to leave the bedroom and look around in the room one more time, hoping to see something to remember me... When I finally gave up and decided to leave the room, I realize a thing...

"Why am I in my bedroom?! I was supposed to be at Suez Canal!"

That's what I was forgetting... What I'm doing in Yokosuka?... Well, it must be a dream, right? I nip myself and...

"Ouch!" Seems like I'm not in a dream... So... How I did I get here?...

With this question in my mind, I decided to just continue my day, going to the canteen to have breakfast. In my way to there, I see Akagi...

"Hey, Akagi!" I ran behind her... And I trip... falling in a mud puddle... Ok, now I have definitive proof this is not a dream, my bad luck is here.

"Are you okay Kyoto?" Akagi asked me. I looked to her face, she is holding her laugh...

"Y-Yeah..." I stand up, with a horrible sensation of mud in my face... She laughs a little and extends me a piece of paper.

"Here, you are going to need it..." I grab the piece of paper and clean my face.

"Thank you, Akagi... Say, do you know how we got here back in Yokosuka?"

"So you indeed woke up now?! When you slept in the bench, the carriers continued in mission and patrol missions, engaging enemies fleets that weren't discovered before. By midnight, all the recon fleets reported no enemy presence, indicating the enemies were sunk or have retreated. The battle for the Suez Canal was finished. In the following day, I had breakfast and waited for you to wake up, so we could go back to Yokosuka... But you stayed sleeping... And I didn't want to ruin your dream... So I decided to take you in my arms to Yokosuka".

"Wait... You carried me in your arms all the way to here?!"

"Yeah... I took two days traveling, arriving here by night, without find enemies... I left you in your bedroom and I went to my bedroom... And seems like you woke up the following day (today)". I slept... two whole days?!

"Do you know how did I slept this much time without waking up?"

"No idea".

" Oh... I need to compensate you! You carried me these two days and I must be heavy, I'm an armored aircraft carrier after all". I said while thinking about what to do to compensate her.

"No need to compensate me, its the minimum I can do for you, you are my girlfriend!"

"I'm going to compensate you! Meet me at the anchor statue at 5:30 pm!" I leave Akagi, running to the canteen while saying this. I didn't heard a reply, but I think she shouted okay.

I enter the canteen and pick up my food. I look around and sat at the first table I saw... I let the plate in my front and start to think...

"Only a romantic sunset won't compensate her... I need something else... Well, she likes food... I should try cooking..."

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