Forced Love

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"A-150... What's A-150? A code? For what? A weapon maybe? I'm still very confused... and sleepy... Maybe I should stay a little more in my bed".

"Kyoto... Why are you sleeping with these clothes? Don't you have a pajama?" Wait... who said that? I slowly turn my face from the pillow to this kansumu and open my eyes...

"Oh... It's you, Zuikaku. I'm just a little tired you know... I would like to sleep a little more... Wait... I'm not in my pajamas?" I look at my clothes and... Oh... I kneaded the casual clothes that I'm wearing. I can't blame the unlucky this time, it's my fault that I forgot to change my clothes before sleep...

"Serious... You were sleeping the entire night with your normal clothes?" She said smiling, almost laughing... How my brain came to love a kansumu like her, that instead of help, just laugh at your face? "Come on, get ready, we need to have breakfast". She said.

I stood up and went to my drawer... So... How my clothes changed in my drawer if I was in Tokyo? That makes no sense... Anyway, I changed my clothes and started to comb my hair when I looked at the mirror. 

"Oh, so that's the strand that is black and fades to a dark blue... It's very cool to have this strand".

I finally was ready to enter the canteen, where everyone was going to see the remodeled version of me. Like, yesterday I arrived at night, so not many people saw my new style. Not that care about it. I open the doors of the canteen and entered in the line to pick up my food. I could hear the people whispering about me...

"Who is that? Is she a new kansumu?"

"I think she's Kyoto, but she looks more beautiful and modern, but Shiratsuyu still is the number!".

"I never saw someone use this style before. I wonder if her equipment is modern too!"

"Maybe, but her equipment can't be number one like mine".

"Why we don't spy her?"

"What?! Are you crazy? She is an aircraft carrier, where she trains is forbidden for us to enter!"

"Oh, you're afraid..."

"No! Shiratsuyu is afraid of nothing! I will prove it to you!". Oh good... I'm going to have some company when training... What? I wasn't invading their privacy, I just... Heard... Yeah... I only heard they whispering...

I sat on a table together with Zuikaku and Yubari. Then some kansumus joined around us... Why they are sitting with us? All these days you kansumus choose to sit with us today? I didn't get that beautiful, right? Also, it's only Zuikaku who thinks that I got beautiful, right?

There was a plate in my front that was so full of food that I couldn't see who was eating this giant amount of food... Oh, it's the same person that was eating at the victory party in the restaurant, isn't it? So much food, how she don't get fat?

"Don't look so surprised Kyoto, it's Akagi, you can't change that". Zuikaku said, probably because of my surprised face to see how much food was on that plate.

"So..." A kansumu with black hair and green exposed clothes started to say... Her face looks familiar... Wait, it's Katsuragi. Yeah, I managed to forget someone that is in my fleet. "Zuikaku told us you have a bunch of new and modern equipment... Can you show it to us?" I started to think about it...

"Why would I do this?" Then everyone started to look to me, begging me with their eyes. Except for Zuikaku, who already saw my equipment in action. In order to not get everyone angry at me, I said:

"Alright, I-I will show to you after I finish my breakfast". Then everyone got happy with the answer I gave them... And left the table after heard the answer. Seriously? Sitting with us just to ask me to show my equipment?

Kancolle cycle: A New Aircraft CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now