Rumors Spread Fast

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Carriers can get sick? Because I am sick. The cold of yesterday just not go away and this fever is killing me. Zuikaku stayed at my side and brought food to me for breakfast and lunch. I am so unlucky, this is my FOURTH day at this base and I am already sick, literally!

I looked to Zuikaku who was at my side. She stares to the floor with a bored expression.

"You don't need to stay at my side... You should train with your sister Shokaku". I said to her. She gave me a lateral stare.

"I would train, but I am part of the motive to you get this cold". She replied to me.

"Don't play guilty, you did not wrong"

"Yet I am part of the motive. You got out in the rain just to pick up those beautiful flowers to me"

"*Sigh* if you really want to stay at my side, I won't interfere". Besides that I tried to make her get out, I felt happy that she cares about me. First and already best friend. "Question: the dock can repair sickness?" I asked curiously, hoping that her answer is affirmative.

"No... The docks repair physical injuries, like cuts". Uh... Of course, it won't be easy to get away from this cold.

I look through the window, the sun was bright and the sky was clean. The rain of yesterday was a summer rain, that goes away pretty fast.

I start to feel sleepy... The fever must be letting me this way. My eyes, doesn't matter how much I tried, closed.

Then I wake up in the middle of the sea. My metal boots equipped, my crossbow in my hands and the flight deck with the bridge attached to my back. My clothes were a little burned and torn, I look around and smoke was blocking almost all my sight. "Help me" I heard from the behind the smoke curtain. The smoke was being produced by the fire on kansumu equipments, scattered all over the sea, floating without their owners. Their owners were sinking in despair. A fleet could be seen, a fleet with kansumus in white skin and black clothes with strange objects that looks like cannon batteries deformed. I didn't know what was happening, but I could feel that one hit could sink me. Then I saw a bubble trail... The trail of a torpedo, going fast straight to Zuikaku, who was fighting, not perceiving the torpedo. I know that one hit could kill me, but... I jumped in front of that torpedo...

A huge curtain of water emerged from the explosion of the torpedo... I could hear a scream when the torpedo hit me. Then... The waters start to surround me... Involving me and pushing me to the bottom... The scream was fading as more deep I was... Then I hit the bottom, the bottom made of sand. I couldn't control my body... I tried to swim besides of how deep I was... But my body didn't answer... They were stopped like I never have ordered them to move. Despair starts to fluid in my veins, I try desperately to move, but they just don't respond. It was a horrible feeling... So horrible that I woke up scared and hit my head in the bed above me.

"Ouch!" I shout when my head impacted in the bed.

"Are you alright?" Zuikaku questioned when heard the impact.

"Y-Yeah... I just got scared of my dream and well... Hit my head on the bed". I explained.

"Oh... Anyway, it was just a dream. You can relax now..." Zuikaku tried to comfort me. I know it was just a dream, but it felt so real... I hope it's just a dream...

I stay a time looking around, thinking that I forgot something... But what could it be? Wait... No fever... No sneezing... Haha! The cold got away!

"Hey, Zuikaku". I called for her.

"What's it?". She asked.

"My cold got away, can we train together now?"

"Are you sure? I don't want you to force yourself". What a friend... Never thought that someone could be so worried about someone else.

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