Let's Start Again

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"Listen up everyone. This can be our last mission in the Pacific". Nagato said from microphone, everyone was gathered around her. 

It makes three days I am in Pearl Harbor, today was a most exciting day.

"According with information obtained in patrol missions, the enemy headquarters is in San Francisco. Most of the abysses kansumus, equipments, planes and harbor princesses are there".  

Not only because of the final mission.

"We are going to make a single and overwhelming strike at it tomorrow".

But because today was the day I and Yubari planned to act.

"We are going to send all our battleships, armored carriers, standard carriers and heavy cruisers. A few kansumus from the other types are going too, I will call them later. The ones that won't be called are going to protect Pearl Harbor in case of abyssal attack".

Today, I was going to fix the things between me and Zuikaku.

"If that's understood, then you all are dismissed". Nagato said. Everyone started to leave and talk about the final mission. I start to search for Yubari in the middle of the crow.

"Yubari, over here!" I try to wave my hand, hoping to she to see it.

"Ha, gotcha!" Someone suddenly shouted behind me and touched my back.

"YA!" I jumped scare. "Don't scare me this way... last time I slapped Nagato..."

"What? You slapped Nagato?! You must be very courageous!"

"It was an accident... Anyway, you think our plan is really going to work?"

"Yubari plans never fail!"

"Like the prototype you made yesterday for speed me up to 40 kts?"

"That... was an exception... but at least it didn't exploded like the others prototypes..."

"You are saying I could explode?!"

"Could, but didn't... Let's get back to our plan, shall we?"

"*sigh* Okay, let's go back to our plan..."

"So I invite Zuikaku to the beach over here, where you made all the preparations. She is going to accept because I was the one who invited". 

"Wait, what you just said?"

"Made the preparations? I don't think I did this..."

"What?! We discussed this when during this three days!"

"Did we?" I slowly start to think... and remembers the times she said about do the preparations... C'mon bad luck... this is the great day you makes me forget about the preparations? "I guess I forgot it..."

"Seriously? *sigh*... We still have time. Make the preparations, I am going to invite her to go there at 6 PM! I will her right now!" She left running... letting me here without a clue of what I should do to prepare everything...

"If it's 6 PM when she is going there, I should prepare dinner for us..."

I thought and decided to go to the canteen... Where another person was taking care of... I guess Mamiya is taking care of Yokosuka's canteen and this one is taking care of Pearl Harbor's canteen.

"Excuse me..." In said while entering in the kitchen. I hope she is good like Mamiya.

"Yes?" She said. She is a kansumu with black hair into a ponytail with a red ribbon.

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