Mother of the Aircraft Carriers

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I slowly stand up in my bed... For some reason, my bed was really uncomfortable... I stretched my arms with a yawn and look to Zuikaku, who was in my front holding her laugh. Must be because my back is hurting. Wait! How did she know my back is hurting? I decided to ask her.

"Why are you holding your laugh?"

"You don't realized yet? Look where are you sleeping". I look around after she said that and... I was sleeping on the floor?! Oh, I must have fallen from my bed in the middle of the night. That's why this "bed" is uncomfortable and my back is hurting... "Anyway, today there is a party to celebrate our victory in destroying the Harbors Princesses".

"A party? Say it, there will be only carriers there?"

"Umm... Yeah... But this time a carrier that couldn't participate your welcome party will be there and she is the best". She said smiling at the same time. Seems like a good person.

"Alright... I will go..." I said, still not very interested.

"Alright cool! The party is this afternoon, at the restaurant".

"Can we invite Yubari... She seems so lonely..."

"I thought about that too... But it's a carrier party, so... Sorry, we can't invite her".

" *Sigh* No problem... I am just worried about her". Then she looked at me, suspicious about something.

"Why you are so worried about her. Oh, I know! It's love!"

"W-What?! Of course not!" I was all red when she asked this, this must have made her suspicious even more about something that's not true.

"Right... Whatever... I just want you to meet the other carrier".

"I already said I will go" I said while standing up and starting to switch clothes. "And what about the training session that we have every afternoon?".

"We will do it this morning, is there any problem?".

"No, let me just have my breakfast first".

"Yeah, I need to have my breakfast too".

I finished to switch clothes and went to the canteen with Zuikaku. The place was full, like always is at this hour. With the plates on our hands, we searched for a place to sit...

"Kyoto! Zuikaku! Over here!" Yubari shouted waving her hand to us. In my timid way, I wave back to her and walk in her direction... And I tripped... And my face fell in my plate... Oh, thanks for nothing bad luck...

"Are you okay?" Zuikaku asked, extending her hand, but I could see in her face how much effort she was doing to hold her laugh. I grab her hand and start to laugh at the mess that I myself did it. Zuikaku started to laugh with me, holding no more.

The morning passed pretty fast. We ate together with Yubari and after that, we headed to the repair shop to pick our equipment and go to train at the training grounds. Sadly the training grounds we use are exclusive for the carrier train, so Yubari couldn't go with us. She waited for us to finish training at the repair shop.

We finished training when midday was almost here. We were heading to the repair shop now to deliver the equipment and invite Yubari to lunch with us. At least I was thinking that. She guarded our equipment and I started to say:

"Yubari, do you want to come with us to the canteen and have lunch?"

"No Kyoto! We can't do it this time. When I said the party was at afternoon, I mean that would start at the lunchtime". Zuikaku complained and Yubari was looking way too much sad. I wish I could do something, but... It's an aircraft carrier party, isn't it? Well... What's the problem in bring one light cruiser to our party...

Kancolle cycle: A New Aircraft CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now