The Consequences

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"Should I wake up? After all I have done, do I deserve to wake up? Well, I should wake up and solve the things that happened..."

I open my eyes... In my front there are my closed hands... when I open my hands, they reveal the broken necklace... I close my hand again and get up from my bed and...

"Ouch!" I fell from my bed... I should be used to climb down the stair by now, but no, my bad luck makes me forgot I sleep in the middle bed...

Anyway, I change clothes, without opening my right hand, the hand with the necklace. After I changed it, I guard the necklace in my pocket. I climb up the stairs to say something to Zuikaku... But she isn't in the upper bed. She probably already woke up.

Hoping to encounter Zuikaku somewhere, I go to the canteen. While I was passing by the list of kansumus in the bedroom on the main floor, I noticed it changed... Zuikaku was in another room and Shokaku went with her... I should be happy, I wanted a bedroom all to myself before... but now is different... I want to be at Zuikaku's side now...

I finally reach the canteen... Zuikaku isn't at sight, neither Shokaku... I should've solved this mess yesterday when I still could... Well, I go to the training camp later, maybe I see her there. But first I will have my breakfast.

"Kyoto! Please come to the admiral office when you can". I heard from a speaker. Looks like Nagato was the one calling me. Seems that I can't go to the training camp after my breakfast. I shouldn't be surprised, It's my bad luck acting anyway...

I finished my breakfast and went to the admiral office, in that dark room again. Nagato was there, waiting for me.

"Kyoto, I have an important task for you... After you left to Suez Canal, the enemy abysses started to use jet planes too. Looks like they discovered the secret behind the Kikka and the Jet Keiun planes and started to use it. The only carriers capable of establishing air superiority is you, Taiho, Zuikaku, and Shokaku. However, you are the only carrier capable of using an airplane that's far more advanced than Kikka and Jet Keiun... So I designated you to an important mission. Yamato, Akizuki, Teruzuki, Mogami, and Yahagi are going to ambush a fleet with jet planes. We would send a submarine fleet, however, the enemy fleet contains a light cruiser and a destroyer, that could easily sink our submarines. I want you to help our fleet to establish air superiority against the two carriers with jet planes... But... You are not obliged to go if you don't want too... I know what happened yesterday, Aoba told me". 

"She must have a photo in a perfect angle showing Zuikaku throwing the necklace in the ground, right?"

"I can go, don't you worry". I answer her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I can do it"

"Alright, you should go to the deploy area right now, the ambush needs to be executed right now if we want Yamato to reach the enemy fleet. You know how she is slow, right?"

"Yes, I do... I will be going now" I leave the room... 

"What if... What if my bad luck and my feeling cause the sinking of the ambush fleet... No... I can't let that happen... For the kansumus sake, for humanity sake... For Akagi sake... I can't let any of the kansumus sink and much less the Yamato... Kyoto, you need to be stronger..."

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