The Way to See The Things

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My arms are involving something... Something warm... My back is heavy... Why my back is heavy? It's like something is attached to my back and... OH! I forget it! I was going to the Coral Sea together with Zuikaku and Shokaku, my back is heavy because of the equipment. Wait... My arms are involving something? What is it? I don't know, so I decide to open my eyes to see what was it... When I finished opening my eyes, I was looking into something green... Seems like the hair of someone and... I have my arms around Zuikaku? That's so embarrassing... I am sure that I was blushing when I realized that. I jump immediately, getting away from Zuikaku.

"S-Sorry! Didn't mean to sleep in you..." I said to her. She gave me a lateral stare and replied with a smile.

"Don't you worry about that. Just remember to sleep early when we are going to have a mission in the following day". I should've slept, but Yubari forced me to watch anime with her at late of the night... Why she decided to force me to watch exactly the day before I had a mission? Simple, because of my super luck that is always helping me.

We are now on the determined area of the enemy advance. They would be advancing to attack the light carrier Shoho, which were heading to Port Moresby. Yes, Port Moresby again, this time Shoho and a designed fleet would be destroying the abyssal fleet attempting to put another harbor princess there and also establish a new base for our fleet resupply. Also, Port Moresby is a strategic point for us. We could interfere in the Abyssal ships leaving Australia to the other Abyssal bases in Pacific or the contrary, interfere in ships leaving other bases in the Pacific to Australia.

"Should we send a scout first?" Shokaku asked the flagship, Zuikaku.

"This could spoil our strategy of surprise attack". She replied. I could see the point of Zuikaku, but I didn't agree with her...

"I think if we need to find them first. If they are close, they could found us before we have an opportunity to attack. We should send a scout, find them and strike before they can do anything". Zuikaku started to think about what I had proposed. She sighed and said:

"You are right... Shokaku, send a scout and after it takes off to prepare your attack planes. I and Kyoto will be waiting for your scout to send our attack planes too".

"Understood". Shokaku said to Zuikaku and prepare an arrow in her bow. The arrow flew through the air at an incredible speed, at least my arrows never reached that speed even if I use a crossbow. The arrow ignited itself and became Saiun planes.

I prepared my magazine labeled with "Torpedo bombers", the Ryuusei planes. Zuikaku grabbed an arrow and held it in her bow. The dive bombers Suisei were the planes of that arrow. Shokaku put the type 0 fighters, model 52 in her bow and then we waited for the scout to report something.

The silence remained as we waited for Shokaku's recons planes report the enemy presence... We were all tense, the crossbow in my hands was trembling. I was so nervous... What if the Abyssal manage to sunk Shoho? Port Moresby would be lost... I couldn't allow such a thing to happen. That through only made me tenser than I was before.

"Got it! Enemy aircraft carriers found! Sending attack wave!". Shokaku shouted and arrows immediately started to fly. A swarm of planes was now flying in direction of the two enemy aircraft carriers.

The 1st wave of attack. The two enemy carriers were starting to launch fighters when our planes were close. Seems like we were fast enough to catch them still unprepared. Now, just need my torpedo bombers to score this torpedoes in one of the carriers... If my bad luck doesn't interfere...

Bullets were flying everywhere, the smoke of the explosion of heavy anti-air guns was all over the sky. My torpedo squadrons launched an attack... We missed two torpedoes and hit another two. I could have hit the third torpedo, but one plane just got destroyed by the AA fire while aiming that torpedo. Thanks, bad luck, I will remember to repay you... If I find a way to do it.

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