True Love?

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I was back to Yokosuka base, where I should live the rest of my days, without bringing defeat to my navy and give victories to our enemies... Once I stepped in the concrete port, Nagato called me:

"Kyoto, please come with me..." 

"Ok... Maybe I am going to be scrapped? I deserve it after all"

"Ok" I answer in a monotone tone. Nagato gave me a worried face, but then... Turned around and I followed her.

Nagato brought me to that dark room again, where all the plans for battles are planned. Thanks to this room, I gave victory at Suez Canal, but defeat to the ambush fleet... Would I be here to give another victory or another defeat?

"Kyoto, are you okay? Yamato told me by communication you are not feeling well..." Nagato asked me.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay..." I answer, a little dismayed.

"Right... Well, Kyoto, tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow we are going to invade Pearl Harbor and establish a base there... We assigned all the carriers... But if you don't want to..."

"I prefer to stay here, Nagato..."

"It will be better for everyone..."

"Very well... You're dismissed then..."

I leave the room without a word, no one stops me... On my way to the docks, I realize that my right arm is very harmed, with its sleeve torn apart... I keep looking to it... until I bump into a tree... My bad luck doesn't go away not even when I am sad. Then suddenly I feel pain in my head...

"Ouch!" I look to what hit me in the head... looks like an apple... It must have fallen from the tree when I bumped in it... No, I don't feel like I discovered something like Isaac Newton discovered when the apple fell from the tree...

Once inside the hot spring of the docks, I start to sleep... I am not hoping to leave here anytime soon, so... I will just sleep. But when I closed my eyes, I hear a dark voice...

"The end is close" I open my eyes to see who said that... But I only saw the sea... High curtains of smoke... gray smoke, from fire... A fire ignited by abysses shells... I hear screams of despair, kansumus are sinking... Then I see a bubble trail... From a torpedo, heading directly to Zuikaku... Without control over my body, I jump in the front of the torpedo... Then the water involves me and pushes me to the bottom... And then... I feel a strange pleasure over my body?!

I wake up, seeing a bucket above me... This still doesn't explain why I felt pleasure through my whole body...

"Still going to stay here? Admiral gave you an instant repair bucket, you should hurry up and leave right now". Said someone at my side... I look and it's Yamato.

"Seriously Admiral? Between me and Yamato, you choose me to get instant repair?!"

I thought while leaving the hot spring. I put my clothes and leave the docks, heading to the canteen... I am hungry, it must be midday now. I look to the sky and the sun is almost perfectly above me. Which probably means I am right, it's midday now.

In the canteen, I see the only thing that still brings me happiness... Akagi, my girlfriend. She is talking with Kaga, giving to Kaga a present. Looks like Kaga is in a better mood... My suggestions weren't so strange after all...

"Excuse me?" I say while approaching them.

"Hey, Kyoto! Are you okay? I was really worried after the damage you took at the battle and after Zuikaku breaking your friendship..."

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