The Bloom of a Friendship

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"Just... Just a few more minutes sun..." I said to the sun illuminating my face. The sun wasn't strong like yesterday, today gray clouds cover the sky with the sun appearing from time to time.

I looked at the window while still at the bed, the sun was in it's highest position and... "Wait... In it's highest position? Did I slept until midday?!" I got embarrassed, but no one actually knows that I slept until now.

I stood up almost immediately after realize the time. I got down by the ladder at the side of the bed and head to the drawer. Rapidly I put my clothes while trying to comb my hair at the same time. I burst open the door, closing it without check if really closed and ran to the canteen, which should be serving lunch right now. I was so fast... That I forgot the stair to climb down to the main floor... I tripped and keep rolling until my face finally hits the ground. I got up using the wall as support because my legs were hurt. I try to go the fast as I can, limping until reach the canteen.

There I got my food and sat on a random table, I didn't even saw who was sitting in the table. I sighed as a relief that I made in the canteen in time. Wait, I was late for what? I didn't have to run, why did I run? The canteen is always open, I wounded myself at the stairs for nothing!

"Are you okay?" Someone at my side asked. the voice was from Zuikaku.

"Y-Yeah". I replied to her, giving a quick glance and after the glance, I look to the food.

"Are you sure? Look to your arm". I moved my sight to the arm and it was bleeding a little.

"I-I am alright... It's not serious." I reply to her, trying to cover the fact that I slept until now.

"You were limping at the line to get food". Oh... Now you got me... I try to cover anyway.

"W-Well you see... It's nothing serious, just a few hurts. It will pass pretty fast, so..."

"I will take you to the docks" She interrupted me. Docks? Like medics? Maybe I can find a way out to not go to the docks and... Why am I thinking about that? A doctor never gonna discover that I slept until midday.

"R-Right... L-Let me just finish this" I replied to her.

She finished to eat and waited for me at my side, waiting for me to finish lunch. When I finished she grabbed my hand and pushed me to the docks without even give me an opportunity to escape. The building was made with bricks in the walls and metal plates on the ceiling, just like the repair shop. Inside, however, was totally different from what I thought it would be. The room after the entrance door was full with wood cabinets, a concrete sink was at one side and a wood door leads to the repair area.

"C' mon, take your clothes off to enter". She said.

"W-Wait! Take my clothes off?!" I shout surprised. I won't get naked in front of her!

"Yeah, you need to if you want to enter". No way!

"B-but..." I try to create an excuse but she gave me a death glare.

"Just. Take. Your. Clothes. Off." That's creepy, I immediately took my clothes off and before she can do anything even more creepy, I head inside the repair area. I sigh as a signal of relief once inside.

The room was full of steam in the room. I could barely see a thing. A hot spring was in the middle of the room. So there are no kansumu doctors... That's a relief. I merely touch the water and a good feeling fills me... I enter with the whole body, making the feeling even stronger and better... I could stay here the entire day if I could... I imagine people injuring themselves just to enter here and have this amazing feeling...

I leave the repair area, feeling no more my injuries, catch my clothes at one of the cabinets, put them and exit from the docks. I was sleepy, the hot spring just makes me feel this way...

"You finally exited. You stayed there for an entire hour!" What... An entire hour?! Serious, to me looked like 30 minutes. Wait... Did she wait for me this entire time? Maybe... I can be a friend to her? I hope. "Anyway, don't you want to train?" I stretched a little before giving my reply.

"*Yawn*... I-I want to train, but... *Yawn*... I think I need a rest... *Yawn*".

"Looks like you need it, let's head to the bedroom then". She guided me to the bedroom building... Because I was too lazy to pick my map...

I rested like 30 minutes, I hope I didn't confuse with one hour again. I wake up and look to Zuikaku sitting at the ground.

"I-I think we can train", I said standing up and getting down by the stairs. She looked at me and said.

"Good, let's just..." *Kabrum!* The sound of thunder echoed. We looked at the window and the gray clouds have started to cry... "Damnit, we can't train in the rain!". It's my fault, isn't it? She waited for me when she could have trained all this time...

I keep wondering about the motive of her and then I reach to one logical conclusion. She wants to befriend with me. And why would I refuse?

I saw her staring at the rainy landscape through the window. She was staring at a beautiful flower with white petals... Then I had an idea... A very stupid idea.

"I gonna catch a thing... Wait a little". Yes! Because I see her as a friend now I can talk normally... At least with her...

I got downstairs and opened the metal door with the cleaning supplies. I pick the empty bucket and a shovel (why there is a shovel in the cleaning supplies?). I went outside, in the direction of the flowers, without protection from the rain. I almost tripped in wet soil. With the shovel I dug around the flowers, they were even more beautiful from close, and put them at the bucket, with her roots intact. The window of the bedroom opened.

"Kyoto?! What are you doing?!" Zuikaku shouts from the window.

"Picking up some flowers". I reply to her, leaving the area and entering the building again. I enter the bedroom with flowers and she looked surprised that I picked the flowers that she was staring at.

"Why? You didn't need to get all wet because of me..." She complained.

"Because... You are the first person that I can call a friend... I thought that these flowers could be the symbol of our friendship..." I explained. She was yet shocked, but she gave me a smile. The smile of my first friend... I will never forget that... We stayed staring at each other for a long time...

"Zuikaku, are you here?" Someone entered the bedroom, Shokaku was there and saw us two staring at each other. "Oh, if you need some time in private, I will just leave".

"W-Wait! This Isn't is what are you thinking". Zuikaku explained running behind her. I laugh a little after they leave. Wait, Shokaku wasn't thinking about romance, right?! I need to explain to her too!

I ran behind them and explain everything to Shokaku. At least she understood... Still... I am really happy and *achoo*... Oh no... I got a cold... And this is only my third day in Yokosuka! Better sleep and see if the cold goes away...

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