Reinforce the Suez Canal

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"Akagi really like me, right? She knew I liked Zuikaku, but also knew about the romance between Kaga and Zuikaku... That's why she forced me to be her girlfriend... She tried to prevent my heart to break... Well, my heart broke despite all her effort... Wait... How she knew about Zuikaku and Kaga romance?"

It's because of these thoughts I couldn't sleep... I'm really sleepy, but I simply can't sleep with this... "How Akagi knew that from the very beginning?" was one of the questions keeping me awake.

While I was organizing my thoughts, a light started to enter my bedroom... I couldn't sleep for the entire night?! Well... I'm going to get up from my bed, I'm already awake anyway. I change my clothes to my casual ones and pick up my phone... 6 am was showed on the touchscreen. Guess no one is awake at this hour, except for the kansumus that work in the admiral's office building and the ones that are in missions. Well, I can train a little, I have some time...

I go downstairs and... the newspaper is there again... In the headline, there is a photo of... Me and Akagi kissing?! I immediately grab the newspaper, not believing that my yesterday kiss was there.

"Romantic Day

By Aoba

My fellow readers, yesterday romance was in the air. I spotted Akagi and Kyoto having a passionate kiss close to the anchor statue. All information on page 7".

How? How Aoba took this photo from this angle? You would need to be in the sea or have a plane to take a photo from this perfect angle... And she is exaggerating, it wasn't a passionate kiss. I think...


"KYA!" I jump scared from someone suddenly calling my name and slap the face the one behind me. She was fast enough to dodge and stay with a serious face until the end. Wait... I already saw her before... OH! It's the secretary ship Nagato! "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to attack you, I just got..."

"It's no problem". She said interrupting me with a monotone voice. "I was searching for you, I have a task..."

"A task?".

"I will debrief you in the admiral's office, come with me". She led the way... I just follow her to the admiral's office.

All the way to where I wanted to ask some questions... but her serious face... Her intimidating aura... This let me scared... I decided to stay quiet the entire time.

We entered in a special room... A room in the floor below the floor where the admiral stays. A digital table was in the middle of the badly illuminated room... the computers and the digital table where the only light sources of the room. The digital table was displaying a world map.

"Kyoto, do you know the current situation of the Japanese Kansumu Navy?" Nagato asked me, never ceasing her serious face.

"From what I know our navy is advancing to Pearl Harbor again to install a new base and then advance to the captured bases in the east coast of the United States and Canada. In the south, we isolated the abyssal bases in Australia by installing a new base in Port Moresby".

"That's correct. Now, you know what is happening in the Atlantic Ocean?"


"A massive fleet is advancing from south Atlantic and heading north, to Gibraltar. The base over there is being evacuated. The German battleship Bismarck and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen are trying to distract the abyssal force, but they took heavy damage and are heading to Suez Canal. Suez Canal is probably the target of this massive abyssal fleet after Gibraltar. The situation is critical over there, that's why I'm sending you and another carrier to help the defense of the Suez Canal".

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