The Announce of a Battle

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Another day was starting, the sun was rising and I... Well... I was still sleepy. This was my fleet fault, I shouldn't have gone to that restaurant and stayed that late. Anyway, I need to stand up from my bed...

"Ouch!" Note to myself: You sleep in the middle bed, use the stairs when getting out of the bed.

"Are you okay?" Zuikaku, who was finishing to comb her hair asked me.

"Y-Yeah, it hurts just a little..." I said putting my hands were was hurting.

"You should pay more attention, you sleep in the middle bed". Yeah, I already made a mental note about it.

"I will just change my clothes, you can go ahead". I said while going to my drawer.

"No, I prefer to wait". She said. The question about yesterday starts to pop out in my mind. I may not see Zuikaku as a lover, but maybe she does? Nah, that's impossible.

I finish to change clothes and we started our way to the canteen. Halfway I remembered about Yubari.

"We should invite Yubari again". I suggested to Zuikaku, she looked at me a little confused.

"You still didn't have memorized the Yokosuka map, didn't you?" She asked me while laughing a little. Why she is laughing?

"No, I still didn't have memorized, why?"

"Because we are heading to the repair shop" Wait, we are?! Why didn't you have warned earlier?! Stop laughing at me!

We reached the repair shop, the big metal door was locked.

"Now that's a surprise..." Zuikaku said, looking to the lock in the door.

"You think she is inside?" I asked.

"I doubt it... She wouldn't isolate herself after so much she laughed with us yesterday, right?" A good point.

"Maybe we should have breakfast first and after this, we check her again".

"Makes sense... Let's go then". We start to go to canteen.

We reached the canteen and surprise! Yubari was there, she got all happy when saw us. She was here... That explains the locker... Wait, the locker was in the outside, there was no way she could lock herself in... We are so dumb.

"Oh, I thought you would never come!" She was waiting for us? If we are her first friends makes sense.

"We went to search for you in the repair shop..." Zuikaku explained. We looked at each other and then start to laugh, realizing what happened.

We got our food on the balcony and sat on a table. Before I could sit a heard a thin voice, a voice that I already heard yesterday. Oh no, it's her" I thought. I slowly moved my sight to where the voice came and my fleet and escort was there, sat together on a table with exactly one free chair.

"Kyoto! Come and sit with us!" After yesterday, no way!

"S-Sorry, I-I think I going to sit here". I said, hoping this excuse was enough.

"Oh... That's sad, but ok" She replied.

The excuse had worked, so I finally sat and sigh with relief. The other two were looking at me and Yubari asked:

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