Surprise Party!

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A light hit my face while I was sleeping, trying to awake me. I catch my pillow and try to block the sun... But I realize that I am already awake... Tired I stood up and... Well... 

"Ouch!" I fell with my face hitting the ground... I forgot that I am on the middle bed... 

"Are you okay?" A voice that I never heard before asked me. I look to her face with yellow eyes and green hair.

"Y-Yeah" I reply, sitting on the ground and putting the hand where my head was red from the impact. It hurts a little, but not to worry about. Then I realized that she is naked! I felt embarrassed, even if we are two are girls. My face is sure all red. I immediately dodge my eyes from her.

"Hum? Is there something wrong? You are all red". She asked me...

"N-No! T-There is n-nothing w-wrong" I stuttered embarrassed, besides that, I stutter even if I am not embarrassed.

"Are you sure?".


"Alright then," she said, catching her clothes in the drawer and putting then. After a time I calm my self down and get my normal color skin in my face. She wears one of those red and white Miko uniforms and put a muneate with the katakana "ス". She probably was Zuikaku (the katakana is pronounced "su", but with a minor detail added she can be pronounced "zu"). She made twintails with her hair, and then looked at me, who was staring at her the entire time after she put some clothes. "Oh the hell, why I was staring at her the entire time?!"

"So... You are new in here, right? Do you want a hint?" A hint you say? Well, for someone who is a disaster with luck, a hint would be good. I nodded in reply to her. 

"You must stay away from Kaga, she likes to underestimate the others". Seems like Zuikaku is speaking from experience... My curiosity made me ask her: 

"D-Did she... Underestimated you?"

"She still underestimates me, I gonna prove that I am stronger than her one day!" She said confidently. "Anyway, I going to the canteen, see you later". She left and I didn't replied to her goodbye.

I gave the window a quick glance, staring the sun... "Stupid sun, you burnt my hands yesterday and yet you needed to wake me up earlier and meet someone NAKED?" I thought to myself. Of course he didn't answered me. Anyway, I decide to switch my clothes and... Looks like my clothes are also red and white Miko uniforms. Must be the symbol of the aircraft carriers. Then my stomach rumbled. "I need to eat". I said putting my hands on my belly. Well, Zuikaku said something about a canteen... I catch my map and search for this canteen. Oh, there is a restaurant and a canteen here in Yokosuka. I choose the canteen anyway.

I reach the canteen (after a pass by the sports courts by mistake). The canteen wasn't full right now... It must because of the time, I am, like, really late for breakfast. Besides how late it is to have breakfast, I catch my food and sat on a table that was empty. Well... Almost all the tables are empty... There is only one table with two people with the same green clothes. One of them has black hair and the other one have brown hair. The one with brown hair gave me a death glare when I looked to them. I just dodged my eyes, scared from her.

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