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Virgos POV

I watched as my cousin went forward to be crown as the next Alpha, looking on as he went up with that old man of a mate.

"Why does he have it all; good parent's, a father that he knows, having friends and actuality having a propose," I thought as I watched on.

All my life I was treated as an out cast, my mom hated me, I was the greatest failure of her life she always told me. As a child I use to watch as Keyland was  surrounded by his friends.

Even before my little brother Kawana was born, my mother avoided me and things only went down hill from then, my mom's true mate rejected her because she had me.

One night I heard them arguing, "Rose I cannot bring you to the pack, I'm a beta and have a reputation to up hold," my moms mate said. "Darling you can't be serious," she said to him.

"I am, you have a bastard pup and your use goods, my family won't accept you even if your apart of the royals," he said and began to walk away from her.

But before he could leave she ran up and held on to his leg stopping him in his track.

"Please Luther, don't leave me he doesn't have to come with us," she says pleading with him, as a child I knew that I was of no value, that's the moment in my life I decided to be Alpha so that this tittle of bastard can finally be lifted from my shoulder.

But from that day she hated me but she could show so much love to Keyland.

I observed over the years how she would smile as he enter the room, she would cuddle him and shower him with kisses, hugs and her love. "Would she love me like that if I was to become the next Alpha," I ask myself many times.

I would always try to gain her love but the way she acted around me couldn't be more different, I was sent away to private school, no one visited me, she never kiss, hug or shown me the feeling of being loved in my life. She never said, "she hated me," but every time she looked at me it was there in her eyes. My mother kept me away from my own brother.

No one wanted to play with me, they all teased me and call me the bastard wolf. The only person that would ever have time for me was Pink.

We had one thing in command, were I hated myself because everyone saw me as a bastard,

My cousin pink couldn't use devour and that made him of no importance to anyone, he was ignored by everyone and all there attention was diverted to his brother, he hate that he was not special. with the command hatred between us, we boned and became close as brothers.

Coming from my thought I knew what to do, what had to done was no easy choice but it most be done. Turning back my eyes to the center of the hall, I saw as K bent is head and the elder priest asks if there was anyone that thought he was not fit to be Alpha and I knew this was my moment to get everything I have ever wanted.

"I don't think he is fit to be Alpha," I shouted, everyone in the crowd turned to look at me as I got up and approach the center.

As I walked everyone look my way with animosity in there eyes as I moved along. Even my mother that was seated to the front was steering daggers at me.

The only person who was happy to see me step forward was Pink and it was at that moment I knew he would be my Beta because he would always be there for me.

"You may speak your grievance, with the Alpha chosen," the elder looked at me and said.

Looking around at everyone for the second time only hate was in there eyes but when I become Alpha they will have to love me.

"Elders I challenge my cousin to Feru," I told the elder.

"And what do you wish to gain by challenging the Alpha to be," the elder ask. "I have the ability of devour and can become the Alpha of this pack as well but because I was born a Bastard wolf that right was taken, I want to fight for what is my birth right," I shouted at the elder.

"Very well young one you will have the feru but you know what must happen if you loose," the elder look at me seriously and ask.

"I am prepare for anything," I told the elder and bowed my head to him.

"Very well, we will have the Feru in fifteen minutes, I suggest both of you get ready," the elder says as he leaves the center.

K raised his head and looked at me, there was pure malice in his eyes and I didn't care, once I defeat him he will understand why I did this.

As I was walking off to get prepare for the Feru, smack! I was slap in my face. It didn't hurt but the sudden attack caught me off guard.

My face was burning me, but no matter how much it stunk, it didn't compare to the look on my mother had on her face.

All my life she ignored me, I never mattered, no matter how much I misbehave or made trouble she didn't care. It was like this was the first time she acknowledge my existence and deep down I was happy to finally see me for what I'm capable of doing and soon everyone will be force to when I become the next Alpha.

Looking at her as she drew back her hand from my swollen face I knew this woman who was my mother hated me and never had a ounce of love in her heart for me.

"You bastard how dare you do this after all that my brother and his wife have done for you," My mother said as she glared at me.

"I never wanted you but Gene convince me to bring you to term, and this is what you?," she yells.

"I know you hate me but not this much, you may have brought me into the world but were strangers, this is my birthright as much as it is K's," I tell her and transform into wolf from and run away.

Houston POV

Being in this moment with K was one of the best moment's of my life, I could see how the people here adore him. Knowing that I'm his mate and the future Luna.

A lot was to be done once he is selected but before he could receive his tittle as Alpha, his cousin Pink came up and ask for a Feru so he could become the Alpha instead.

I was really pissed at the guy for fu*king up K's day especially when because this is now gonna affect me directly.

I was going to go towards K and ask him if everything was okay but before I could he rises his head and leaves the center of the gathering.

Next chapter will have more stuff, what are your thoughts on Virgo.

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