Mate .

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I was awoken by the sting of the sun rays as they made there ways through the blinds. I was still cuddle to the hottest guy I've been with. I just watch him as his chest fell and rise,

Little did I know that was the last time I will get to see him like this.

When I think back to what he when through here, he is really brave for coming back home.

He wakes up and yawn, I could see my handy work over his body. " Good morning sweat heart" I say between kisses.

"Morning your self daddy," Austin says in his thick southern accent, he knows what that does to my anatomy, "Oz if you don't want me to tie you to this bed for the hold morning and take you in all different angles I suggest you be quiet," I tell.

Austin then took his fingers to his lips and he figuratively drew the zip on his mouth shut.

I got up from the bed and went to get my stuff in check, "you will remember me for centuries," my phone began to play the lyrics.

I check the caller ID and saw it was my dad calling to check up on me.

I answered the call "Alpha Bennett what do you want?" I ask.

"Is that any way to grert your father! Ehh boy" he asked.

I was pissed, he knows I hate when he calls me that, "for god sakes I'm 22 dad," I say back.

"Well you better start acting your age, your 22 you say right, so why don't you take some responsibility for your action," he growls through the phone.

"What are you talking about old man," I ask him.

I can tell I ticked him off, he hates being reminded of his age.

"Boy you left school and didn't tell any of your guards and they have been searching for you. So after 48 hours of not finding you they ring me, telling me my son is missing," he yelled at me.

"Dad my boyfriend mom died so I followed him home to give support," I tell him, I know my bodyguards most be frantic, its there job to protect me and I disappeared off the face of the earth, going as far to leave my tracker behind.

Its not like I could bring another packs wolf on these people land, it would put them and edge plus my Alpha guards wouldn't let me enter an unknown pack without them at my side.

"Son if he's not your mate I don't care, you have better things to do like actually look for your mate, or is it you don't want to be Alpha?'

I didn't respond to him, I hate that how every time we discus something he brings it up. I best my dad at everything anytime of the dad, yet I can't be the Alpha.

"I take it your silence means you agree, I'll have the Alpha guards meet you out side there territory tomorrow and pick you up," he tells me.

I'm so pissed off I can't wait until I get my mate so I can dethrone him. I don't know who made up this stupid rule about needing to be mated to be Alpha of our pack.


Bone was broken and flesh rearrange, after a few seconds I transform into a large black and white wolf with blue eyes.

Right in front of me was a large brown wolf he was staring me down, looking at me as if he would attack at anytime, as I approach him he open his huge mouth and showed his teeth, the wolf started to growl while I circle round it,

The brown wolf jump at me and tried to attack my neck, I spin and flip over dodging it, the wolf tried to attack me once it saw that the previous attacked missed.

I didn't give him the chance to try again, I use my claws to attack his front leg, a direct hit.

He winced in pain, I use the opening to pin him to ground, "Do you surrender?" I ask the wolf.

"I do," the brown wolf said, I then release him from my grasp, he then gets up and shake him self off, I could see where he couldn't put down his foot, it clearly was damage.

I felt bad so I ask, "Does it hurt punk?" . Denton then chuckles.

"Uncle Houston your really something, your so ruthless in battle but so gentle in contrast with both sides of you," my nephew states.

"Denton your special, you really came close to defeating me," I tell him.

"Can you stop the lies, I know I'm not your match but thank you for agreeing to spar with me these pass few months," Denton says.

"Your welcome kiddo, and I'm not lying, I can take on most wolf in my human form, only with your dad and Dallas have I ever seen the need to transform into my wolf to fight, so you are doing great I tell my nephew, "

He smiles at my comment, when I looked at him all I see is a small innocent kid not the Alpha to be.

I smile back at him, " let's go and patrol the border, " I tell him.

I can see his foot is still healing after checking the border, we went back to camp to change back in our humans.

After putting on cloths we both head out to the pack house, "So have you seen Austin yet?" I ask Denton,

"Yeah he went to the cemetery to visit his mom's grave," Denton tells me.

"I see" was all I could say, he most be hurting, I wasn't the best dad, I know that but I wanna try to be a better one.

That's why I have to do this, not only for myself but for Sidney. She would want us to talk to each other.

Denton and I walk to the pack house, we talked about all kind of fighting style And attack patterns, he really had a gift for this.

We made it to the pack house a little before sunset, when we got to the house I saw a jeep parked in the drive way. A black guy sitting in the back of the jeep shirtless.

He looks hot was the first thing that came to my mine, I didn't know who he was but there was this pull I had towards this stranger.

I told Denton to go on without me as I went over to introduce my self to the stranger.

For some reason I was nervous, like I'm fifteen again and asking out my first girl, I even had butterfly's in my my stomach and trust me this doesn't happen a lot.

I was standing to his left, he was on his phone texting away, "seriously what's with this generation and their phones?" I ask myself.

I cough to get his attention, "howdy partner my names Houston I'm the pack trainer and I've never seen you around here, where are you from sonny," I ask him.

He slowly puts down the phone and when he looks at me in the eyes, I'm lost in those eyes.

They where the color of maple,the animal inside wanted to be let loose, "Mate," it screamed. The human in me was confused on what to do until, he stood up and walked in front of me.

He was taller than me, I'm 6ft 1inch but this guy was still taller than me by latest 5 inch's.

After looking he bent his head to observer me he growled and said "MATE submit to me now!"

I could smell the pheromones coming off him, he wanted to mate with me. I became weak in my knees, he held on to my wase with an iron grip.

All rational thought had left my mind, the animal within me wanted to be mated right now.

I was ready for this, I've waited long enough. As I close my eyes waiting for the inevitable to happen.

But then I remembered my wife, whom I just buried 3 days ago, her smile, her laughter and her touch are all gone but I still have her love and I can't just trough it away.

I mustard what little rational thinking I had and then I push my mate on the ground and ran into the forest.

"I need time to process what is happening,"I tell myself as I ran deeper into the woods.

Mateless Wolf ( Lone Star Pack)Where stories live. Discover now