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Houston's POV

I got up early this morning and saw Keyland sleeping like and baby cuddling my hip. Some how I pulled free from his steel grip.

After getting up from the bed, I hit him with the pillow, he groans and says, "Stan give me a few minutes are so,"

Looking at him I realize its our first time sleeping in a bed together and our first night without sex, "good time for first's," I thought.

I was happy because getting up this morning in this bed with him made us feel like a real couple that could be together without sex defining our relationship.

After seeing this I could safely I'm falling hard and fast for him. This is so different than what I had with Sidney, it just feels more right.

I was brushing my teeth when the most delightful aroma hit my nose, I had to see which master chief was cooking and does the food taste half as good as it smells.

"Keyland I'm going down stairs," I yell as I went through the door and headed down.

Following my noise I was lead to the kitchen, the guy I meet yesterday was the one around the stove cooking what ever had my mouth drooling.

I my attention was brought to the Violet sitting around the Island eating fruits.

"Hey Stan do you want a piece of my pine," she says . I walk over and took a piece and thank her as I sat around the island.

The islander that if my memory right was the pack Beta, he turn around and tried to talk to me but for the love of the moon goddess I Couldn't figure out what he meant.

"Sorry I don't know what you mean," I told him, our communication wasn't going anywhere, so I decided to try sign language.

I use my hands to say hello and he did the same, "good it work," I thought.

He ask me if I wanted breakfast and I said yes using my hands.

He serve me a plate of some green stuff with meat in it and some roll up bread like stuff, I've tried many things but I can gladly say this is my favorite.

"Your mate is one lucky fellow to have someone that can cook like you," I tell him.

"Uncle Kali has no mate he's Mateless," Violet shouts at me.
It seems I touch on a taboo topic so I decided to change the conversation.

I ask him what's it call and he couldn't response I guest he's not that fluent in sign language. I look over at Violet to ask but she was enjoying her meal too much for me to bother her over this.

"Its called season pot and roti and I need a plate," Keyland says and walks to the Island, be tried to take some of my food but I move my plate from his grasp then I shoved my food into my mouth.

He took up Violet's plate and eats half her breakfast, she looks over at him and gives him a warning with her eyes and he puts down the rest of the food.

"Your foods as good as ever Uncle Kali, can I get a plate," he ask and Kali spoke in his native language with what I assume is a yes because he was serve a larger plate than mine, "favoritism is real here," I thought

After we finish, I went and did a few exercise to keep in shape and fit, "I was not doing this to stay attractive for Keyland," I say to myself as I'm running.

I'm out of breath a few miles into my running, when I get back Keyland finish his what ever he does to say fit and is showering.

He walks out naked with a towel around his neck, I could only stare as the monster between his legs as it sway with each step he takes.

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