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We arrive at the restaurant, it was pretty cool it had fire ass designs on the front of the building, then the beach was behind it.

We step out the car, and see the girls pull up behind us. Kayla being the first to step out of the car, after they all pile out they walk towards us, Lae standing next to me.

"Are we going to go , or? Because I am very hungry" Lae asks, laying her head on my chest. With my arms wrapped around her body.

"Yeah leggo" Anthony says walking to the door, holding then passing to the next person.

"Hello, welcome to Frontiera do you have any reservations?" The young girl asks us, "no , we was wondering if you had a table on the beach for us ?" Sierra asks the girl, "how many?" "9" Sierra says counting us.

"That'll be a 10 minute wait, is that okay?" She asks, and we just nods our head sitting on the booth chairs  waiting for a table.


"Destine, you having fun so far?" I ask him, laying my head on his shoulder. "Yeah I am, I like Mexico. The place we're staying at is pretty fun to." He says texting on his phone, I look and see the contact name, R💘

"Ooouu my baby brother got a girlfriend" I say tickling his neck making him smile turning his phone away from my sight.

"What's her name? Rylee, Rihanna, Rena?" I ask making him laugh, "mind it Lae" he says closing his phone.

"You guys can come with me now" the girl comes back, we get to a long table, on the beach the water at least 20 feet away from us.

"I'm Yarelis, I'll be your server" she says placing out menus.

The seating was, Gelo at the head of the table on the left, Jray at the head on the right. Then on the left side of the long table was Me, then Melo Destine, then Nadia.

On the other side was Sierra, Kayla, and Anthony.

"Can I start yous off with drinks?" She asks getting out the note pad.

"Can I get a watermelon lemonade" I ask her, the rest of them order their drinks, as she walks away,

As I'm talking to Sierra across the table, my phone vibrates. It was a message from Nadia

NADDI DADDI- I don't think the R in Destines phone is a girl, I think it's your dad. Don't quote me cause I could be wrong. But they sent him, "I know I did you guys wrong and you forgave me. But I need your sisters and brother to forgive me" so I think it's your dad Lae...I'm sorry.

Me- Nah it's okay.

After that text, I was just sitting there. Looking into space. Thinking about the things my dad do to us, and how he can try and ease his way back into our lives. And for Destine to forgive him all like that makes me mad, disappointed, sad, and betrayed.

"What's on your mind babygirl?" Melo asks placing his hand on my knee, making me look at him. "Nothing baby, I'm fine" I say as the waitress comes back with the drinks.

"What would you guys like for food?" As she also places the chips and salsa. "I'll have the shredded chicken quesadilla, with sour cream, lettuce, and salsa on the side." I tell her, "I'll have the chicken tacos, with the lettuce and sour cream on them already" she nods her head.

"I'll have the steak fajitas," Destine says, I really just want to punch him in the face. I hope he gets blue balls tonight.

"I'll get the steak burrito, with rice, cheese, lettuce, sour cream, smashed plantains, and tomato's inside" Nadia's says.

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