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2 Months later

It's four hours before the baby shower, and I don't even want to go. Melo and I got in an argument two days ago, because he was texting this bitch, Maddie Kentros I don't know her, but Denise has said that a few months before Melo and I where a thing and when he was on a break from Ashley, Melo and her had a thing.

I found videos on YouTube of them, she went to 24 with him and they made snaps. Then there was one when he had his fro-hawk, where she was like "aww I have to hold your hand" and he held her hand, you can tell it was just them two, too .

I didn't/don't care that they HAD a thing, it's just that he replies to her texts. He asked Zo if he should invite her to the baby shower, and this amazing human had said, "if you want a good stable family, you won't let an Instagram model, home wreck your family."

I had called Melo that day, when Nadia had found out about them texting, he told me that I'm over reacting and letting my hormones get to me. That got me tight, so I hung up on him, and turned my read on, just so I could open his messages and it reply.

"Lae, Melo is here!" I hear Destine yell from downstairs. I roll my eyes, scratching my eyebrow. Sliding on my fuzzy pink slippers, going down stairs.

"Can we talk? Please Lae?" He asks me, getting up from the island stool looking at me with pleading eyes.

I nod my head, go towards my bedroom up the stairs. Once we get to my room, I close the door after him, sitting down on my bed, rubbing my stomach as he begins to talk.

"I know what I said was wrong, and texting her was too. I don't know she was just there when I need to vent, she hit my line at the right time," he looks down at his yeezy moons.

"Melo I'm your girlfriend, your best friend, the mother of your child. You can come to me about anything, you always do. So why go to her and not leave her on seen." I ask laying on my back crossing my legs, that's how I get my thigh muscles loosened.

"Because I was talking about you, about how we're in a serious situation and that I might go to China, leaving you stuck in the situation. She guessed and was like, "she's pregnant isn't she?" And I was like yeah. She gave me advice, then I stopped texted her, on my momma." He explains, rubbing my thigh.

I didn't move out of his touch, I just let him do it. "Melo im not going to argue with you, the baby shower is in four hours, just forget about it. Im over it, let's just get ready for the baby shower. Okay baby daddy?" I put my hand on his, kissing his cheek.

"Okay baby, I'll see you later. Okay?" And with that he kissed my forehead, then my stomach walking out my room, then out the house.

I go into my bathroom, taking off my shorts and shirt, slipping into the shower letting the water run down my body.

After washing up, I realize I need to shave my legs,
But can't reach.

"MAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMIIIII" I yell, in hopes my mom heard me. "Omg did your water break?" She asks all out of breath, I giggle. "No can you shave my legs for me mommy. Please?" I ask, "of course my lovely baby." And with that, she grabs the razor and shaving cream, shaving my legs, till they were very smooth.

I get out the shower, putting on the stretch mark cream, then my coconut lotion on with deodorant and then wash my face, putting on my under eye masks, as my sister beings to blow dry my hair.

2 hours, and 15 minutes later.

I get up from my seat on the floor, stretching, looking in my mirror to see that my sister did a great job on my hair. It was parted down the middle, it stopped at about 1 inch under my shoulders, it was curly really big, so if I move it out of my face, the curls will wrap around each other.

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