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It has been about 10 hours since I gave birth, it's now 9:34 pm, and there have been many news outlets taking about the baby.

It has been about 10 hours since I gave birth, it's now 9:34 pm, and there have been many news outlets taking about the baby

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Former Spire basketball players, Lamelo Ball and Alaeya Alvarez share with their combined number of 7.4 million followers that they just welcomed a healthy baby boy into the madness, The Ball Family. "Landon Kyro Ball", the newest Ball member was just born today, at an estimated time of  10:45 am.
    In the last six and a half hours, many news outlets, social media stars and pages had talked upon the new member. Commented by a user under THE SHADEROOM and THE SHADEROOMTEENS. Quote, "If Melo is really going overseas to China, how will he have time to spend with the newborn. Hopefully LaVar gives the two young parents their time with the new baby".

That comment has started uproar, saying Melo has his Whole future ahead of him, and that with the new baby, will he be able to put his focus on basketball and entering the draft? Or will the baby take all his attention? Alvarez and Ball have yet to speak upon the many questions, but mother of Alvarez has issued a statement saying, "you have to learn to figure things out. They will do that just fine, do not doubt these two young parents, they(Alvarez and Ball) are already good at this, and it's only been 6 1/2  7 hours"

Another major question is, are these famous athletes, and now teen parents going to be able to financially support the new baby without help from LaVar(Ball's father) or Kaylina(Alvarez's mother).

Many are questioning Balls capability to be able to take care, and father a child, "He himself is still a child, he's immature and likes to be out when he wants, where he wants, with who he wants. With absolutely no worries. That is perfectly fine too, but with the new baby will he even be able to sit down for 20 minutes to play Fortnite..yeah most likely not" says one Twitter user, close to 30 minutes after the announcement of Baby Ball.

I didn't read further m, that was just one out of many comments and articles about the whole thing, Melo has been calm about it, just looking at Landon, who we have decided to keep Baby Dip, many of Melo's friends have congratulated us and posted it on their Instagram stories, and many of my friends too.

For the next two to three months , the only people I am letting hold him are Melo and I, obviously. My mom, sister, brother, Gelo, Zo, Jray, Denise,and  LaVar and Tina.

Non of our friends or anything, when Landon can grow a strong immune system, then they can hold him, but for now I rather no one actually touch him, I was a little annoyed when the nurse kept touching him, but I guess that's her job.

Melo, Landon and I are in my hospital room, as Melo is knocked, with his finger being held my baby dip as she snores slightly, right now I'm watching a movie on my laptop, I was super tired, yet couldn't sleep.

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