Oh Boy, wyd'n Melo😢

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Do not get me wrong, Melo and Ashley LOOK GOOD together, but they have a weird toxic relationship.

Ashley has said she's never cheated, but more than one person has said Melo has. They constantly hurt each other.

Ashley  subtlety bashed Melo's name when they broke up, I think they truly love each other. In the past almost three years, they've broken up at least four times and got back together.

Every time they broke up it was something different; I feel like they'll never get over each other , especially if they have also the same friend group.

They always crawl back to each other, if they get back together I juts hope that they treat each other right and with respect not for the first like two months or whatever, but through out a hopefully long relationship.

Melo hopefully has matured, and they hopefully talked about things because melo is very hard headed and Ashley is forgiving and I think she just is so sweet and sensitive that she can't take the lost of a relationship like theirs or even loosing friends(BBYBELLZ FOR EXAMPLE)

But I wish them well.

BRO I read on one of the tumblr pages for BBB drama, that they thing Melo will get Ashley pregnant within the next two years or so😭💀

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