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Sunmi sighed as she got out her lunchbox, nicely packed by his father. She opened as she widened her eyes.

Cute heart shaped rice balls, gimbap with cute little details on it, veggies, fruits, desert.

"He still thinks that i am kid?!" she gasped as she took a bite of the gimbap

"I'll let him go this time because this tastes so good" she said to herself.

Areum, eunwoo, gyeong and sunmi are like brothers and sisters. They know each other because of living in the same neighborhood but their friendship grew when being in the same school. They always complain about how their dads fight but they all love being with each other. Sunmi and eunwoo are really fed up with their dad as he always tells them to "stay away from the devil's kid" why? "because they might convert you both into a devil too".

"Areum, what shall we do about our parents?" eunwoo sighed

"To be honest, we should lock them in a room and tie them with a rope but they are so strong and look at us, we can't do anything with our twig hands" areum sighed

"But we can use our fat brains" gyeong stated

"Eww that sounds gross, yours would be fat, not mine. Watch your tongue, brother. My brain has a figure like a model" areum snickered as she sassily whipped her hair back and gyeong who poked his tongue out to tease him

"Why do i think you are behaving like our dads?" sunmi sighed

"Look guys, we need to do something before it gets more worse and they practically strangle each other to death" gyeong stated as all of them nodded their heads

"So my theory is, that dad fights with taehyung-ssi because he loves him and doesn't want to accept it" sunmi said as everyone agreed with her

"And same goes to dad" areum said

"So maybe we should prepare a plan to get these two muttle heads together and make them fall in love so we can all stay together" eunwoo stated as everyone accepted it

"So are we doing this so we all can stay together and those two can frickle frackle?" gyeong asked

"Well practically no but yes, we are" sunmi said as all of them high fived

"So is it on?" eunwoo asked

"Oh definitely"

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now