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"Let's get some things straight, hana" taehyung said as he cracked his knuckles and went towards the lady who was practically yelling at his lawyer.

He tapped her shoulder and she turned and seeing him, her eyebrows furrowed more

"What?" she said in anger

"Can we talk outside this court?" taehyung asked politely as the girl groaned but nodded

They got out of the court and towards a less crowded place and as soon as they got out taehyung punched her nose as she flinched back and asped

"This is for troubling us" taehyung said as he grabbed hana's top's collar

"Now you listen here bitch, i was waiting for this day to punch you in the nose so bad but i couldn't as i just wanted to make sure my kids are fine" he said as his eyebrows furrowed in anger

"Now you listen motherfucker, if you ever try to come in my kookie's or my kids' life back, i won't be scared to rip that shitty throat out of that shitty body and for your information, i don't lie" he said in a dangerous voice as she gulped and nodded

"Now you better not come in our lives back or i might have many ways to make sure you don't" taehyung snickered as he left her collar and she ran away clutching her nose

"Fierce" a voice called and taehyung snapped his head towards it and when he saw who it was, he smirked

"She should've never messed with me or my family" he said as he crossed his hands behind jungkook's neck who smirked and pecked taehyung's lips.

"To be honest, thanks for taking stand" he said as he smiled at taehyung

"What did you think? She could mess with my family and could go back home this easily?" taehyung laughed and jungkook did too

Jungkook suddenly picked taehyung and taehyung yelped

"Let me show you how fierce i am at home" jungkook smirked as taehyung gulped submissively

The kids who were watching them gave them a weird look

"Did these two just forget that they were crying a few seconds ago?" sunmi said 

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now