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It's sunday and jungkook is having his perfectly fine, peaceful sleep when the two devils start to jump on his bed with excitement as he groaned

"Come on wake up, dad. It's sunday, i wanna have barbeque" eunwoo whined as he jumped on the bed

"Yes, dad. Wake up, you are gonna miss having lamb skewers!" sunmi exclaimed dramatically as jungkook groaned

"Fine, i'm up" he yawned as sunmi and eunwoo smirked while looking at each other

"So let me just prepare the set up for the barbeque and then we'll have fun" jungkook smiled at his kids

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, we've already prepared for it" sunmi said as she smirked and jungkook titled his head in confusion


"Hey, tae. Let's do barbeque today" jimin said out of the blue

"Oookay" taehyung sang suspiciously

"Plus, i wanted to invite some of friends if that would be fine" jimin asked as taehyung smiled

"Totally" he exclaimed


"NO WAY!" jungkook yelled as both the kids dragged him by clenching both of his hands

"Move on your own, you fat pig!" sunmi exclaimed as she dragged jungkook

"But princess, you know he's a devil, what if he'll do black magic on us?!" jungkook said dramatically

"How can you even be a ceo with a coconut head like this?!" eunwoo exclaimed as he put more pressure to drag his "father"

"But eunwoo, you know i don't like him, then why are you forcing me?!" jungkook whined like the crybaby he was

"God, please tell me this man is of age 24" sunmi rolled her eyes

They stopped in front of taehyung's house as jungkook sighed. He has no other option but to go in. This is his first time going to his house and he's already feeling his heart pop out of his chest. 

"Taehyung my friends are here" jimin said as taehyung looked up from the grill. The utensil in his hand dropping as his mouth flung open

"Jeon Jungkook" he said in a dark voice

"Kim Taehyung" jungkook said with the same voice but squinting his eyes more. Now it was a stare game and eventually jungkook had to break it when sunmi pinched him and taehyung had the biggest smile he could ever hold.

And if that did not make jungkook's heart flutter

"If you don't behave, i'm gonna cancel the goodnight kisses" eunwoo warned as jungkook gasped

"Fine" he rolled his eyes

Eunwoo looked at sunmi as they both smiled before they looked at jimin and gave each other thumbs up as jimin looked back and smiled at areum and gyeong, who high fived each other.

So far, so good

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now