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"Dad, was it mom?" sunmi asked with sadness in her eyes and jungkook looked at her

"Yes, she was here to take you two back" he said as tears brimmed in his eyes

Sunmi and eunwoo got up from their place and went towards jungkook and quickly hugged his legs and that was the time jungkook broke into a cry.

"Dad, it's okay. No matter what, we will never leave you" sunmi said as she started to cry looking at his dad cry

"Promise me you two, you won't ever leave me" jungkook said as he petted their hair and taehyung gave them a loving smile while tears brimmed in his  eyes too

"We won't ever leave you and appa, dad. I can never find such an amazing dad ever again" she said as he kissed jungkook's hands and jungkook laughed as he picked his children up and smiled at them with teary eyes then looked at taehyung who was standing at a particular distance, he grabbed his hand and pulled him forward, seeing this the two who were crying on the couch because of the thought of sunmi and eunwoo leaving them quickly ran and hugged taehyung's legs as taehyung laughed.

Taehyung looked at jungkook with a fond smile and jungkook couldn't help but return it back with the same energy

"We'd fight this case together, honey" taehyung said as he kissed jungkook's forehead as jungkook smiled and nodded


Jungkook is hugging taehyung while keeping his head on his chest as taehyung played with his hair, jungkook seemed to be lost all day, even though his kids said him thousands of times that they won't ever leave him, but he thinks that at some point they'll get bored of him and leave him for his mother.



"If you love me this much would you ever leave me?"

"Never taehyung, i can't afford to lose you, you're my strength, my everything"

"Then how can you think that your kids, who love you so much would ever afford to leave a dad like you?" jungkook started to silently weep at the thought of being without his kids

"I know they love me taehyung, but they love their mother too. What if they want to go back to their mother? A father can never play a role of a mother too, taehyung. What if they would want to go back to her and i'll lose them" jungkook started to cry as taehyung soothed circles on his back.

"But they are very smart jungkook, they know that you've done so much for them, they know that bitch can never love them like you can, and who said a father can't play a role of mother? I am here" taehyung gave him a sweet smile and jungkook quickly pulled taehyung and kissed him

"I hope for the good, i've contacted the lawyer and i don't know anything right now" jungkook sighed

"We'll leave everything over the kids, honey. Let's talk about this only in the court, until then let's have some fun" taehyung smirked as jungkook snapped his head towards taehyung.

He quickly pounced over taehyung and taehyung laughed while turning the lights off.

Oh how they wish, this night never broke into a morning so they could stay in each other's arms and support each other like this forever.

"I can't promise you that i'll solve all your problems but i promise you that you won't be facing them alone, jungkook. I love you" taehyung said as he slept over jungkook, sweaty but jungkook can't even mind

"I love you too"

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now