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"Taehyung, wait!" jungkook shouted as he ran towards taehyung.

Taehyung somehow wanted jungkook to stop him, so when jungkook yelled his name he quickly snapped his head towards him.

"Yes, jungkook?" 

"I don't wanna go home so early, can we just roam around the park nearby?" jungkook asked nervously, he couldn't have taehyung turning down the offer

And you bet taehyung wouldn't even do that.

He showed his smile and nodded

"Why not?" jungkook had the biggest grin when he heard the answer

They started to walk, in silence. Call it awkward or comfortable, it was silence. They were so close that their hands wee brushing past each other and every time when it happened their hearts would flutter. Both wanted to hold hands but don't know if the other would like it or not.

"M-may i hold your h-hand" jungkook finally said with the coirage he built as taehyung blushed and looked down, he slightly nodded as jungkook took his hand in his. They felt as if electricity rushed through their body, it felt so good, it was as if the other's hand was made to be held by the other. Eventually a smile crept on both of their lips. Soon, they reached the park and sat down on the bench while looking at the stars, they even forgot that their hands were still together. Taehyung looked from the stars towards jungkook, he looked at his eyes, it was as if jungkook's eyes held stars in them. It made his heart feel giddy. He quickly averted his gaze when he saw jungkook shift his eyes towards him.



"Why do we fight so much?" taehyung was taken off guard by the question

"I-i.......dunno" taehyung sighed

"You tell me, you were the one who started it" taehyung pouted, jungkook stared at his pout for a little time before blushing and taking his eyes off of him.

"I-i...was kind of j-jealous because of you" he said as he made a fist with his free hand only to let it loose.

"Why?" taehyung asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, not in anger but confusion

"W-when you came to our neighborhood, you were so kind and good to others, i always wanted to talk to you but i thought you were out of my league, you never reached me and seeing you so good to everyone, i kind of got jealous of you and then started to hate on you, well actually not hate but y-yeah" jungkook said as he looked down, ashamed of his own act

"Awh~ kookie, it's okay. By the way, i always wanted to talk to you too but i was very shy and i couldn't reach you. And then when you started to mock me i also started doing that. It's even then" taehyung laughed and it was such a hearty laugh that made jungkook look at him and his lips turned into a smile

"Kookie?" he smirked as taehyung blushed and took the hand from jungkook to put on his face. Jungkook frowned, missing the warmth of taehyung's hands

"Don't take your hand away from me" he said lowly and took his hand in his while taehyung looked at him and blushed red

They stared into each other's eyes......

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now