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Jungkook sighed as he rubbed his head while being in the car. Work is stressing him out too much and he doesn't even have time to date or have "you know what i mean" with anyone. Being a ceo of a very popular company sucks, sometimes he just needs someone to hold him and say that we can do it together. Even if he denies so much, he knows that he cannot grow his kids alone. 

Being a father comes with difficulties but it also has its perks

They have their sundays to have fun where jungkook chills on the patio and watches his kid play in the swimming pool. Yes, this lad is fucking rich. Being a ceo is tiring but comes with advantages

He sometimes also jumps in the pool with them and plays. Well kim taehyung is fucking rich too. Making his kids wear gucci clothes and having their own pool too, it's normal for the people in insa-dong to have these kind of things.

Jungkook's life had been a ruckus after his wife left him. He had tried dating for the sake of his children but it just didn't come out right for him and he's so glad that sunmi and eunwoo are so understanding that it's okay to live with a singke parent (plus they have made their decision that they don't want any mother now, they just want taehyung as their dad). Jungkook is bisexual and he's happy with being one and same goes with taehyung.

When the first time taehyung came to the neighborhood with areum and gyeong, jungkook was mesmerised by his beauty, though they didn't talk properly jungkook could see how kind taehyung was. He always wanted to approach taehyung and talk to him but he thought that taehyung would never talk to him because he doesn't talk to "boys like him". And seeing taehyung so happy when he used to be mesmerized by taehyung's beauty. So he started to hate taehyung because he can't "reach" him.

But by taehyung's side, he was also struck jungkook's beauty. He wanted to show him how much of a "gentleman" he was so he used to act generous in front of him. He also wanted to talk to jungkook but he was so shy to talk to him thinking that what if he's "out of reach" for him. But then jungkook started to humiliate him and that made taehyung start hate him even though he loved him

But sometimes they feel so happy when they have these cute fights. Sometimes they wish they could just build the courage and talk to the other but then the other does something so stupid that eventually makes them start to hate each other again

It's just misunderstanding between them

That their kids will hopefully clear out

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now