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They stared into each other's eyes. No one was able to avert the gaze. Something about taehyung's eyes was so intriguing to jungkook that he couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. To taehyung, jungkook's eyes were like a black hole, slowly swallowing him, but he wasn't even complaining.

They didn't even notice that they both scooted closer to each other, the warmth radiating from their bodies was so comforting. 

They looked at each other's lips, they felt so addicted to them somehow, jungkook licked his lips, eating some of the chapstick.

Jungkook's hand snaked towards taehyung's cheek as he caressed the smooth skin and taehyung leaned in the touch. They don't know what they're doing, but whatever it was, felt so good.

Jungkook looked in taehyung's eyes which were already over him and looked as if he was asking something. Taehyung blinked as if it was an answer to his question.

Both were waiting for someone to do something

And jungkook couldn't wait anymore

He pulled taehyung by his neck slowly and attached their lips together, it was a no tongue kiss, so pure and so sweet.

It felt as if they were together.

And taehyung couldn't deny how awesome that would be. He slowly took his hands towards jungkook's coat and clutched the lapels of his suit. Jungkook knew what taehyung was asking as he scooted more closer to him, no space between them and kissed him gently and slowly

Taehyung was so involved in the kiss that he didn't even see it's past their date time. Even though they didn't want to pull out, they had to and jungkook was the one to do that.

He didn't look into taehyung's eyes, because he eventually knew that he would get lost in them again.

"T-taehyung, shall we go, it's late now" jungkook blushed as he asked, their hearts still racing even if the kiss was over. Taehyung just hummed as he wasn't in a state to answer.

They both got up and somehow taehyung took jungkook's hand in his as jungkook snapped his head towards the blushing man his heart beating fast at the touch

"I won't take my hand away from yours" he smiled as jungkook's heart fluttered

They got to their cars but jungkook decided to follow taehyung and make sure he is in his car safely

Taehyung was about to sit in the car when jungkook pulled him by his waist to kiss him back. The same feeling filling their bodies. It was so addicting to taste the other's sugary lips

Taehyung was picked up by jungkook by his waist, while taehyung trapped him in his hands by crossing them behind his neck while replying happily to his kiss. 

They parted to breathe and were heavily breathing

"G-o hom-e safely" jungkook said as he panted while taehyung blushed and nodded. Jungkook made taehyung sit in the car carefully and quickly gave him a peck on his lips while taehyung's heart fluttered. So you can say they were both addicted to each other's lips, too much.

"Goodbye" Jungkook said as he closed the car door.

He smiled like a fool as he went towards his car. He hasn't kissed anyone after his wife went away and to be honest, it never even felt like this when he kissed her, this feeling was so unique for him.

He's a fool.

Fool for taehyung

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now