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Jungkook attacked taehyung's lips as taehyung widened his eyes but when he regained consciousness, he closed his eyes and started to kiss him back. Jungkook's hands snaked over taehyung's waist as taehyung kept his hands at the back of jungkook's neck, pulling him closer.

After a cute make out session, they pulled apart while both blushed. It was silent, comfortingly silent as jungkook smiled to himself while fidgeting with his fingers and taehyung smiled shyly while looking at the carpet.

Taehyung leant closer to jungkook and kept his head over jungkook's shoulder as jungkook snapped his head towards taehyung to look that he was looking at him and suddenly, it flowed lights in the atmosphere for jungkook as he gave an unintentional smile to taehyung which taehyung returned back with more energy causing jungkook's heart to flutter.

He slowly took his hand forward and intertwined it with taehyung's while getting lost in his eyes once again.

They don't know whatever they are doing, whether it is right or wrong, but they know one thing that this is what they wanted.

They didn't even imagine that the ones who used to bicker so much are now looking at each other with heart eyes.

Maybe it is the love, or the feeling of it.

"You know, since the day i saw you, i grew a liking towards you but was too scared to talk to you" jungkook said as taehyung looked at him.

"When i first saw you, my heart always fluttered like it does now, i don't know what it is, but it is good" taehyung said with a small smile. Jungkook's smile dropped and he looked down and taehyung didn't like it as he was being drowned by the other's eyes.

"What happened?" taehyung asked as he removed his head from the other's shoulder.

"It's just that...........are we over our wives?" jungkook said still looking down at the carpet.

"To be honest, i wasn't even with her. It was a forced marriage by my parents. She died after she gave birth to areum and gyeong. We were good friends but lovers? No" taehyung said as he sighed while jungkook looked at him

"But i don't know about you" taehyung said with a hint of sadness in his voice as jungkook sihed before smiling making taehyung look at him by cupping his cheek.

"We were teenagers, taehyung. Mom and dad weren't against our relationship, it felt okay hat time , we thought that we loved each other, but never felt like it. It wasn't love taehyung" jungkook looked at him with a smile as taehyung couldn't help but feel giddy from inside

"But now it is" he said as he connected their lips in a sweet, mature kiss. Pouring his emotions in one kiss, telling him that he's so over her. 

Telling him that he loves him

Only him

They soon detached and looked at each other with big smiles on their faces.

"You probably wouldn't know but i loved you since i saw you" jungkook said as taehyung's heartbeat increased

"You can take your time but i wanted to say it for so long and now......i can't wait"

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now