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All the detectives are sitting on the same booth, where they sat the previous week to put the plan in action.

"Everyone give your reports" jimin said as he sipped his milkshake

"Jared, i'm 19, you start first" jimin pointed to gyeong.

"First of all stop calling me that and second thing, why am i first?" gyeong snickered

"Because the shortest one should start first" jimin smiled

"Umm....jimin, by that i think you should start first" areum said and jimin snapped his head at her as she flinched

"I said, THE SHORTEST ONE SHOULD START FIRST!" he yelled as he glared at all of them who nodded their heads

"Now come on, gyeong" he said as gyeong nodded

"So i've seen dad, smiling to himself like an idiot, blushing out of the blue and even talking to himself in the mirror" gyeong said as he gagged at his own words

"Areum you?" 

"I've also seen that stuff plus he always asks us about jungkook-ssi" areum said

"Wow, that's some huge progress" everyone gasped

"Eunwoo what about your report?"

"I saw dad burning the food when he was smiling like a mad man, and believe me when i say that this thing has never happened" eunwoo exclaimed as everyone gasped

"Sunmi lastly you"

"Well i saw so many things and he does all the things that taehyung-ssi does. He even lights up whenever anyone says taehyung-ssi's name in the house. I even caught him calling taehyung-ssi cute but then he slapped himself, but apart from that i saw something strange. I was once sneaking into his room, don't ask me why but when i opened his drawer, i saw photo of taeyung-ssi" everyone hooted as sunmi said that.

"Okay, think jungkook is already on his second last stage to confess his love to taehyung but taehyung is a bit shy so he won't do it. So i think we have to put more focus on jungkook and as we know they pretty much don't talk to each other so they don't know much about each other so i have an idea to bring them more close" jimin said as he smirked.

"What?" all asked curiously in unison

"Blind date!"

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now