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"Anything for my love"

"Huh?" taehyung tilted his head in confusion

"I'll talk to you about it later, the kids are waiting for us, let's go inside" jungkook smiled as he placed taehyung on the ground who nodded and didn't think much about it.

They went inside and met everyone.

They all had a lot of fun in the mall. In the plushie store, gyeong took a tiger one, areum took another bunny one, sunmi took a panda, eunwoo a dolphin and even jimin took a hamster plushie.

They all ate at McDonald's, jimin was mocked again for his height when the waiter suggested him to take a happy meal, that is for the kids. Everyone laughed as jimin glared at them and took his meal and sat at another table but eventually coming back to them when he saw how much fun they were having.

They all ate a lot, had fun a lot, it felt as if they were all one family. Finally, it was time to go back home, though no one wanted this day to end but eventually they have to leave.

With a heavy heart they all were about to reach home, the kids could see taehyung and jungkook getting along with each other, though they don't know that they kiss and hug.

They were halfway to home when jungkook stopped the car.

"Kids you stay in and taehyung you come with me outside" everyone was confused as fuck when jungkook said that but still taehyung nodded and got out of the car as jungkook held his hand and they both walked towards a huge grassy ground with a lot of cherry blossom trees.

"Why have you brought me here?" taehyung asked

"Just go towards that tree" jungkook said and taehyung nodded. Curiously, he went towards the tree.

"Now could you just read what's written on the bark?" jungkook said and taehyung nodded before looking at the words

It was carved over a tree "JJK + KTH" over the trunk of the tree and the initials were encarved inside a big heart. Taehyung understood it. His eyes widened as he snapped his head to look at jungkook but saw jungkook already in front of him

"Taehyung, when i saw you, after that i started coming here, this place strangely reminded me of you, so calm and peaceful. When i realized i started loving you, i wrote our names here and when i passed by here i would always stop to see this" jungkook said as tears brimmed in taehyung's eyes due to happiness.

"I am so in love with every little thing you do, i am in love with your smile, i am in love with the way you curse me saying that i am a big bad wolf, your big bad wolf, i love it when you care for me like the day you sent me soup, i love it when you do nothing and still look so beautiful, i love it when your lips touch mine,i love when you take care of my children like yours, i love everything about you, i love you" jungkook smiled at the end of his speech, he deeply breathed 

"So will you be my boyfriend and be the appa of my kids?" jungkook released a hearty laugh

Taehyung cupped his mouth, he couldn't believe whatever jungkook was saying, the tears were freely escaping his eyes, tears of joy. He wouldn't admit this but this was the thing he always wanted.

"Yes! Oh my god!" he started to fully sob now as jungkook held the widest grin he could ever possess in his life.

Taehyung quickly ran towards jungkook and jungkook was quick to pull him up and hug him while taehyung wrapped his legs around his waist and cried.

"Omg! i love you, i love you!" he kept on repeating as he kissed jungkook everwhere over his face who laughed at his action

"I love you too" jungkook said and attached their lips. finally, they could fully feel the love in the kiss, it was so real and this kiss was the one that both would want to cherish.

They detached as they heard hooting from the car and they turned to look at the people in the car cheering at them and they laughed at them

"Let's go, my love" jungkook said as he carried taehyung over the car who did nothing but smiled at him.

He made taehyung sit in the car and everyone cheered once again

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!!" jimin yelled and everyone was too happy to notice that he cursed

"So.........can we call him appa now?" sunmi and eunwoo asked


Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now