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Jungkook drummed his fingers on the table while patiently waiting for his date to come and poked his inner cheek.

His eyes were looking at all the couples in the restaurant. He was seated in his assigned seat.

Soon, his eyes looked outside the glass window near him, he saw a familiar car pull up as he narrowed his eyes to see who the familiar person is. His eyes widened and his heartbeat picked up.

"Why is taehyung here?!" he gasped

"Maybe here for his own date" jungkook shrugged his shoulder but from the inside, his heart dropped

He saw the boy coming inside the restaurant. Jungkook had to admit, that he was looking very beautiful, the way his hair were neatly groomed, his lips were tainted pink with some lip balm, he looked ethereal.

He saw taehyung reaching almost up to his table as jungkook started to panic.

"Oh shit!" he said as he took the menu and hid his face in it and peeking through it to see where taehyung was going and to his surprise, taehyung sat in the chair which was in front of him.

"Hello, i am taehyung. Your date" and that was enough for jungkook to drop the menu in his hand and look at taehyung up with wide eyes.

Taehyung gasped, but his heart was beating so fast, like a train. He was staring at jungkook with wide eyes. Jungkook's hair were slightly parted, making him expose his forehead as taehyung looked at his face, it was looking beautiful by the makeup he had done. Taehyung tainted with a light pink blush.

"You're my date?!" taehyung exclaimed

"Well i guess so" jungkook rubbed the back of his neck while laughing awkwardly

"Ugh, i knew areum can't be innocent!" he groaned.

"Well if we're here, why not just eat the food, wouldn't want to waste their hard work" taehyung said and jungkook nodded

"Well to be honest, you look beautiful" jungkook said and taehyung shyly smiled as he blushed

"T-thanks, you look handsome too" taehyung showed his boxy smile as jungkook's heart struck with love

"Let's order?" junkook asked as taehyung hummed.

They ordered their food and until that they talked. Taehyung got to know so much about jungkook while jungkook also got to know about taehyung. They have so much similarities. They love to play games, they love to go to parks and travel, they love their kids, they have almost everything similar. In between, taehyung and jungkook would sneak glances at each other and if someone would get caught then the other would blush and eat their food. And somehow they were so happy knowing that their date is someone they've wanted to talk for so long.

They didn't know they could go along so well. Taehyung never imagined jungkook would be so fun to talk to. Something's growing between them but he doesn't know what that is, but whatever that is, he would want to cherish it for a long time.

Soon, the date was over. Oh how much they wished it wouldn't. They laughed so much, they talked so much, taehyung never did so with any of his dates, neither did jungkook.

And to be honest, taehyung and jungkook never thought they'd get along with someone they used to hate.

They were out of the restaurant, going towards each of their cars. Oh how much jungkook didn't want this date to end

"Taehyung, wait!"

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now