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Everyone was sitting in the living room as all were tensed up. Sunmi and areum were awake while gyeong and eunwoo slept because of crying too much.

Jungkook was the most struck because of the incident as it was basically because of him

He kept his hands formed in fists and kept them over his mouth as he shook his legs impatiently furrowing his eyebrows

Suddenly areum reached him. She was still crying silently. Jungkook's gaze softened as he saw him

"What happened areum?" He asked as areum fiddled with the Hem of her dress, a thing she brought in her genes from her father.

"Jungkook-ssi, thank you for saving dad" she pouted looking down as she played with her dance while swinging to and fro

"Awwh~ it's okay areum, he was wounded would I not save him?" Jungkook asked cutely even though he was so worried for taehyung

"But don't you hate him?" She asked as she looked up

Jungkook asked himself the same question

Don't I hate him?

"I-i do, but taehyung was hurt so I had to save him" jungkook said as he blushed while areum nodded and went back to jimin

"So how did it go?" Jimin whispered to her

"Why did you have to give me such a tiring role?! I hate acting sad!" Areum whisper yelled

"But you are the only one who loves acting" jimin pouted

"Fine, because you complimented me I'll forgive you" she said as she looked at her cute small nails

"Anyways, did you see what you wanted to?" Sunmi asked as she came over to jimin as jimin beamed up

"Yeah I did, he definitely loves him!" Jimin smiled


Taehyung groaned as he woke up, his head hurting from the wound as he tried to get up. After using some strength he got up as he wobbled out of the room downstairs to see everyone sitting with sad expressions

"What guys? It wasn't my funeral already" taehyung laughed as everyone snapped their heads towards him, jungkook being the fastest one to

He stood up and was about to run but stopped

"I wish it was" jungkook rolled his eyes as he said

"You keep wishing that and you'll die before me" taehyung spat

"Come on you two! Taehyung, you just woke up after a tragic wound and jungkook you're still half wet, go change!" Jimin demanded as they both rolled their eyes

Not like they're going to listen to jimin

Taehyung started to climb down the stairs but because of just waking up from an injury, his head was spinning, so he accidentally tripped a stair and yelped as he was about to fall but someone was quick to hold him by his waist and pulling him so that he wouldn't hurt

Jungkook had his arm on taehyung's waist as taehyung, because of reflex wrapped his hand behind his neck as they looked into each other's wide eyes

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now