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When jungkook said he'd take areum to the mall, he never meant that he'd take everyone to the mall, and jimin? Hell nah

Everyone is sitting in the car as jungkook rolled his eyes, he only wanted to take areum and taehyung to the mall but he doesn't know how the fire got spread.

"To the mall we go~

Fucking in the car, dancing to solo~" jimin made up a song in his own and whimpered when taehyung hit his head

"How many times have i told you not to swear in front of kids?!" he scolded as jimin looked down

"You don't know your kids then" he said in a small tone

They all reached the mall and got out. The seven of them were walking into the mall when suddenly taehyung got a call. He looked at the caller and groaned and frowned

Jungkook noticed that.

"You all go, i'll just go pick this call and come back" taehyung said as everyone went inside, except jungkook

Jungkook followed taehyung, who was walking towards a less crowded place


"Hello, mr.kim" the same voice which made taehyung gag mentally

"Yes, mr.jun"

"How are you doing?" he asked in a flirty tone

"Sir, if it's something else than work, then please don't call me after work. I have a family to look on" taehyung said, too irritated with his boss

"Why don't you come with your family a my house?" he said and taehyung could feel the smirk from the phone

"Sir, i am not coming to your house no matter what" taehyung huffed

"Scratch that, how about my offer?" 

"I am not gonna have a sexual intercourse with you just because you said you can promote me!" taehyung half yelled as he was so angry at him.

He quickly cut the call and deeply breathed.

He turned and widened his eyes

"Kookie?!" he said more shockingly but jungkook was busy recalling over taehyung's words.

His eyebrows furrowed as anger took him over, to be hinest, taehyung was now getting scared of jungkook's angry face now.

"Give me your phone" he said in a dangerously low tone. Taehyung hesitated

"Give me the damn phone, now taehyung!" he yelled as taehyung flinched before giving jungkook the phone who snatched it and went to the other side so taehyung couldn't hear him.

But through what taehyung could see, jungkook was practically yelling in the phone and soon cut it.

He gave it to taehyung who shyly took it. Jungkook's gaze softened as he looked at taehyung.

He quickly pulled him in a hug

"I am sorry for scaring you like that" jungkook said tears brimming his eyes.

"It's okay, kookie. What happened?" taehyung asked as he rubbed jungkook's back

"I couldn't control myself when you said those words" he said as he sniffled his tears back and taehyung rubbed his back to calm him down

"But what did you talk at the phone?" he asked

"He would never ever trouble you anymore" he said as he pulled away from the hug

"How?" even though taehyung was happy he should know how

"I fired him" jungkook said as taehyung widened his eyes

"Wait, you fired him?! How?!" taehyung exclaimed

"Cause, your company works under me" jungkook said as taehyung smiled and jumped to hug the taller who finally smiled

"Thank you so much kookie, i was having such a problem with him and now you've solved it. Thank you so much!" taehyung said as he pecked jungkook's cheek who widened his eyes as he blushed and his heart going wild

"Anything for my love" jungkook smiled as taehyung widened his eyes as he looked at jungkook


Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now