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"So you all have to make sure that dad doesn't get suspicious" areum commanded as everyone nodded

"How is the speech thing going on, daddy?" areum asked jungkook who was scribbling like a mad man in the notepad. He looked at her and gave her a smile

"Amazing, sweetie. How are your plannings going?"

"On top notch" areum flicked her hair.

Soon it was afternoon, taehyung came back from the store and kept all the groceries and noticed that something was awkward.

There was silence in the house. 

He was confused as fuck as he started to search for his kids and boyfriend. Suddenly, eunwoo jumped out of somewhere as taehyung gasped

"Eunwoo, you scared the death out of me!" taehyung gasped

"Appa, this is for you" eunwoo gave taehyung the letter and ran away, taehyung was about to go after him but the boy was already out of sight so he decided to just read the letter.

"Taehyung, my baby, this is jungkook, just think,

Where did i first see you?" he read out loud. He thought

"Outside my house!" he said as he ran towards his house and saw sunmi open the door

"Appa, this is for you" she said and ran out of the house before taehyung could catch her

"Good guess,

Now where did we first kiss each other?" 

"The park near the restaurant, it takes ten minutes" he said as he started his car. He was so excited, he loves playing scavenger hunts.

He saw areum reaching him as he picked the girl up and she gave him another piece of note

"Now, now

Where did i first take you out on an official date?" 

"The mall!" he said as he took areum with him and drove towards the mall

There he saw gyeong and gyeong gave him another late

"Come on, kids?! For how long?!" he whined as he opened the letter

"Where did i tell you i love you?"

"The garden" he said and was about to take his kids with him but they were already gone

He ran towards the garden where he first confessed to him and saw his four kids standing there, he panted

"What is it kids? Where is your father?" he panted as he asked but the kids just smiled at him

"Appa, you know what?" Sunmi said


"Dad wanted to ask you something?" eunwoo said


"Would you marry me?" 

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now