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"For your information, sunmi and eunwoo are my kids too!" Taehyung yelled not even thinking what he said as jungkook widened his eyes, his heart fluttering

"S-sorry" he laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck

"Aww taehyung-ssi, can I call you appa from now on?" Eunwoo said knowingly as he looked at taehyung with puppy eyes, knowing he can't fucking resist those eyes

"N-no! You can't do that sweetie" taehyung tried to reason, he sure would love sunmi and eunwoo calling him appa but he is in no place to be called that

"Why not?!" Sunmi asked

"Be-because, i am not your appa, honey"

"Why don't you become one then?" Eunwoo said battering his eyelashes

"I can't!" Taehyung said already in so mucb pressure and jungkook isn't even helping him out

"Dad, why don't you marry Taehyung-ssi so that he becomes our appa?" Eunwoo asked jungkook

"Enough! Sunmi and eunwoo stay in your limits" the way he scolded wasn't even scolding, he was blushing so hard that sunmi and eunwoo knew that he didn't even mean to scold them

"But Dad, wouldn't it be so good that taehyung-ssi becomes our appa and take care of us and i can't even think of someone else being our another parent" sunmi pouted

"Sunmi d-don't s-say that! D-do you want p-punsihment?!" Jungkook stuttered and you bet the kids (including jimin, do i have to fucking mention it everytime that when I say kids, JIMIN IS INCLUDED!) Were enjoying it so much

"So if you marry Dad, will I get to call you appa too, jungkook-ssi?" Areum cheered up

"No areum! Don't say that, I am not marrying him anyways!" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in an attempt to say he's disgusted but the fact was that he was blushing red

"I am not marrying him either!" Jungkook said

"Now can we have the food?!" He groaned as everyone stopped talking and started eating

Pin drop silence


"But wouldn't it be so good if you two marry each other?"


Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now