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Taehyung and jungkook look into each other's eyes as the pink tainted their cheeks

"What your steps, muttlehead" jungkook rolled his eyes as he placed a flattered taehyung down on the ground

"Not that you had to care" taehyung said blushing so mad as his heart beat so fast as jungkook blushed too and quickly looked away

"Dad!" Areum yelled as she came to hug taehyung who gladly accepted her hug as he picked her up

"Taehyung-ssi!" Sunmi ran to him too and taehyung giggled before placing areum down and picking sunmi up.

To be honest, jungkook's heart melted at that sight. He couldn't help but smile, it felt like sunmi was with her mother. She was so happy with taehyung

Guess, now jungkook won't keep his children away from taehyung as he could clearly see their happiness with him.

"What you smiling at brother?" Jimin smirked as he nudged jungkook who got caught off guard

He was about to defend himself when two boyish screams came as the two little boys ran towards the bandaged man, who giggled

Jungkook could feel that the giggle could be music to his ears, the one he would play on repeat

He rather than picking the four up bent down and ruffled each of their hair as he smiled when the kids started to check him for any further injuries and jungkook could help but silently chuckle

"Seriously kids, I told you I am fine. Just a minor injury" taehyung laughed it off

"Taehyung-ssi, I really wanted to do barbeque with you" eunwoo pouted but it turned to a smile when taehyung kissed his cheek

"We'll definitely do it some other day" he leaned closer to his ear

"Just don't bring your dorky father" he said as everyone giggled

"Heard that!" Jungkook pouted but still it turned to a smile seeing the five of them

It looked as if it was his own family. So happy and so joy filled

But his smile dropped when the reality struck him that it's actually not


Everyone is going back to their houses and the last one to get off is jungkook

"Don't think I don't hate you anymore" taehyung snickered as jungkook rolled his eyes

"I wish I wouldn't even had come here to waste my precious time" jungkook hissed back

He turned away as he started to walk, he suddenly stopped in his tracks as he inhaled a certain amount of air

"Achoo~" he sneezed

Taehyung giggled, the sneeze was pretty cute but he was deeply worried for him

Did he catch a cold?

Enemy next door| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now