Chapter 1

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Author's note: It's been so long since I work on the original thanks to my Joger fic ending up being 19 chapters. Hope everyone enjoys this! It's gonna be at least 6 chapters because that's what I have outlined already!

Bit of a long chapter to start us off, so I hope you enjoy!

Brian had gone out with Roger and bought him a brand new pair of drum sticks after they had had their fill of fun that morning. The taller man had looked so happy, spending his hard earned money on Roger that it had made the blond's heart clench. He felt cared for and loved in ways that he hadn't before and Roger liked it more then he thought he would. He clenched at Brian's hand like a lifeline, hoping that the other man didn't care if he was a bit clingy in public.

He stuck to Brian like glue when they had been in the shop, feeling embarrassed that he couldn't afford to buy himself what he needed to preform as a musician. Brian had held his hand reassuringly and smiled sweetly anytime he looked back. It felt bad to not have a way to repay Brian, but he needed to be in the band so bad. Roger wasn't sure what he'd do if he could be a part of Smile. Roger had felt lost in life between moving out to London and trying to get by in his college courses. Between music and his new found companionship with Brian, Roger felt a bit more relaxed in his own skin.

The past night that he had spent with Brian and the morning after felt like coming home. Brian was so kind to him, in ways that he hadn't even known that he needed someone to be. Roger couldn't help but think about showing his gratitude after band practice in sexual ways. He couldn't help but wander if Brian would appreciate him dropping to his knees as soon as they got back home.

Roger swallowed harshly at that last thought, he just thought of Brian's apartment as home. He'd spent one night with Brian and never wanted to leave; was it too presumptuous to expect to go home with him again? Roger didn't want to be alone anymore, the thought of slinking home with only love bites to keep him company was to sad. Would it be alright to say that to Brian, or would it be to cringe of him?

Brian had a hand on his lower waist as they walked toward the university, and it made Roger feel loved. He liked that hot and heavy weighted feeling pushing him forwards, like he barely had a choice. It was a wonderful feeling, but he desperately wanted more.

"Will you kiss me?" Roger asked quiet and a bit unsure. They were in public, on the campus that they would have to face every day going forward if caught. Tim could see them here, and think better of letting Roger be in the band. At that moment Roger would risk it all for a kiss from Brian.

"You sure you want that Baby? Some of your friends from school could see, and you'd have to do some explaining." Brian reasoned, pulling him to look into his eyes. They were sparkling with hope and something that looked like arousal. Roger liked that look very much.

"I'd tell them that it's alright because you're taking care of me. Right Bri?" Roger answered softly, with a bit of an uncomfortable smile. He wasn't sure that that was the answer that Brian had wanted, and didn't want him to be disappointed in him. Would Brian be alright with people knowing that he was with someone as pathetic as Roger? Brian was so gorgeously tall and smart, that he definitely deserved better.

"Yeah Rog, I'm taking care of you. That includes kisses when you need them, so close your eyes and stay still for me." Brian ordered a bit briskly, like he was actually impatient to kiss Roger in public.

Roger did as he was told with joy and pouted his lips out slightly, trying to be inviting for Brian. He was rewarded with a hand cradling the side of his face, tilting it to what Roger would guess was a more optimal angle. The arm around his waist dipped farther down and a hand was then on his ass, gripping harshly.

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