Chapter 14

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Author's note: It's been a hot minute, but here's the next chapter. If work continues to destroy me, I'll see you next week for the next chapter. Adulting is hard.

Enjoy one more lonely Roger chapter and we'll be back to the regularly scheduled Maylor next time. I swear.

Letting himself into Brian's apartment without the other man being there was an experience. Roger suddenly understood the level of trust that Brian had in him. He had been given his keys and left to plunder the home in which Brian lived in. He could do anything he wanted, even something naughty.

Roger shuttered at the very thought; what would he even do? Jerking off in Brian's bed without him there seemed like a bad idea with how much action he had been getting over the past few days. He had the feeling that if Brian didn't get in too late that he'd be getting something tonight as well. No, shaving all that hair off and just waiting for Brian would be enough for him. Plus, he actually should study for his test and the best part about being in this apartment would be that Brian would mind if he ate some of his food. That man of his would probably have some secret kink about providing for Roger and feel turned on by that fact.

Roger laughed to himself, while striping off his clothes and preparing for a shower. Hell yes, he was going to take full advantage of that shower and it's wonderful hot water. With a good excuse of he was shaving for Brian's enjoyment of course. Not another reason like he didn't have hot water at home and wanted to stand in the pure luxury of it.

Shaving with Brian's help had been experience and a sexy one at that. Shaving without Brian's help, meant that there was nothing special with it and he had nothing to distract himself with how foolish he felt while doing said activity. He was a grown man shaving off his lightly colored hair for the enjoyment of another man. In the end, that was completely all right but, he still felt a bit strange doing it.

His underarms were smooth for the first time since he was a child as the hair washed itself down the drain. Would he feel embarrassed to be shirtless out in public until it grew back? Or would he enjoy the attention so much that he'd always shave it off? The answer could be either and Roger was excited to find out.

The process was a delicate one, especially for a first timer such as him. He didn't cut himself, but wished a skilled and helpful hand was present to help him. Brian would have made this whole process better. Roger could hardly wait until that man was home to ravished him. He tried not to pout about it, but failed.

Just because it went alright didn't mean that Roger wasn't lonely while doing so. He understood that Brian had to work, but missed him dearly. So he stayed under that warm water, his cock half hard and interested, but didn't bother touching. They hadn't been together long, but Roger already felt that without Brian there he had no business touching himself. It might be a strange aftertaste with the how dominating his boyfriend was in the relationship, but the thought of getting off alone just sounded lonely to Roger. And just maybe, being a good boy meant that he wouldn't touch himself without permission. Brian would like hearing that.

The hair went off easy, even though he certainly wasn't used to shaving and Roger took a moment to feel himself up. The sooth skin was practically silky with the hot water still running down over him. Brian was going to be so fucking hard for him when he got home. That thought made a surge of excitement flow through him, and he bit down on his lower lip when his cock spray from arousal. God, this not touching himself thing was going to be harder then he thought it would be. Roger kept in a whine that threatened to escape his throat; that sound was a bit to pitiful when no one was around to hear.

He shut off the water and grabbed a towel from the rack, drying his body. Roger pats light around his troublesome half erection and hisses from it. God, he's so hard and hairless and wanting; but with no one here to play with him it all seems vain. Is one supposed to jerk off when in a serious relationship or is that a bad thing? This was Roger's first go at a relationship and he didn't want to mess things up. Brian would like that he waited, but should it be expected of him? Perhaps it would be best to ask Brian what he expected from this and to what extent they should have for each other's bodies.

When dry, Roger didn't bother putting on restricting clothing. He chose instead to haul his needed books over and collapse onto the bed. He spread out and angled everything around him before getting to work. His ass up and ready to be the first thing that Brian saw when he entered the room. It would be a good welcome him from work honey, and invitation all wrapped up into one.

If Brian wasn't home to play then it was a perfectly good excuse for him to get some extra studying in. Another though was that of Brian didn't come in too late he could ask him to quiz him on male anatomy.

He squirmed automatically at the dirty thought and realized then that his erection hadn't flagged at all. He felt naughty and needy all at once. Roger gave in a bit a whined, burying his face into the soft covers while his had wondered down to stroke himself.

Two rough strokes to his own dick had him both high from it and miserable from the thought of how bad he was being. A useless thing that couldn't even will an erection down. A brain controlled by his cock. Dumb slutty blonde.

Roger huffed at the negative thoughts he was having and let go of his throbbing problem. It almost hurt to go back to ignoring himself after giving a taste of pleasure, but he stopped none the less. He was a good boy and would entertain himself with his studies until daddy got home. He could wait.

Roger humped at the soft plush bed, like the way it gave slightly and sprung back up underneath him. That was just as dangerous as giving himself a few strokes, and his body betrayed him by doing it again automatically. Everything was hard and so was his dick. Brian should be there touching him with those big hands. He wasn't home right now though and Roger was trying to be good.

With a huff he stuffed a pillow under his pelvis to ensure he would only get softness if he did it again. He fell back into the book in front of him, and remained that way until nodding off. Asleep while waiting for Brian to come back to him.

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